Understanding Fever and Keeping Safe with Ayurveda

Posted by Prince Raj
Jul 14, 2020

If you're prone to get affected by fever and its side symptoms then it is likely that your body is open for attack by other major diseases. According to several health officials, fever is taken with high seriousness and in fact, most of them never allow a fever to run its course. There is a common misunderstanding that a fever can be hazardous particularly for children. However, what you need to know about a fever activates when the body's primary defence mechanism i.e. the immune system fails. A fever is a backup defence, in which the body temperature elevates so that it can fight the infections going to affect the body. So the idea that a fever is actually a health and wellness response as opposed to a negative health factor that needs to be gotten rid of the instant it appears, is much better thinking. When the body's heat is raised to 102-103 Fahrenheit, this is the ideal range that gives the most power to kill unwanted microbes.

However, when the fever becomes chronic in nature and troublesome to handle, you should go for medicines. While conventional medicines are known to provide quick healing, they aren't built to support the body in defending against disease-causing microorganisms in the long run. It is where an ayurvedic medicine for fever comes handy. Ayurveda, a holistic healing system believes that fever is caused due to disruption of doshas and hence it advises following a modified lifestyle and a light diet to bring make the body fit enough to recover from fever. Ayurvedic remedies are not concerned with suppressing symptoms. Rather than suppressing a fever, ayurvedic medicines allow it to rise while controlling it, to allow the high fever to destroy whatever microorganisms have invaded the body. With the change in the season and monsoon stepping in, the chances of people falling ill to the viral fever get common. While the relief from heatwaves seems enjoyable it is crucial to keep your safeguard against fever and weakness that could become chronic.  Once infested and infected, it takes your body down in whatever ways it can and the first response of your body is to increase your body temperature to fight those stubborn germs. It’s nothing unusual, nothing life-threatening but it is surely capable to steal a productive day from your busy schedule.

If you are looking for the best ayurvedic medicine for body pain and fever then go for Pyrexofly from Butterfly Ayurveda. Pyrexofly is the best ayurvedic medicine in India for chronic fever, pain and inflammation in the body, and reduce fever caused due to cold and flu. It has been scientifically developed using ayurvedic principles and acts as the best ayurvedic medicine for fever. Made up of essential elements like Swertia chirayata (chirayta), Tinospora cordifolia (amrita), Fumaria indica (parpata), Andrographis paniculata(kalmegha), Crinum latifolium (sudarshan), Rubia cordifolia (manjistha), P kurro (kutki), Zinzeber Officinale (sunthi), Moringa Oleifera (sigru) and Alstonia scholaris (saptaparna), Pyrexofly has also proven to be highly effective as a medicine for weaknesses and body pain.

Ayurveda advocates multiple preventive approaches in order to stay healthy and happy in body and mind. It advises always to make use of an appropriate lifestyle, good eating/drinking habits, use of herbs and spices in food and integrate contemplation in your life. Keep calm and stay well!

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