Training Beagles Made Easy- 4 Essential Tips That You Need to Follow

Posted by Jennifer Miller
Aug 9, 2017

Do you love hunting but, don’t have a companion to take along? Well then, there’s one suggestion from my side; adopt or purchase a dog that belongs to the hunting breed. They will not only become a good hunting companion, but a 'bestie' during your leisure time too. When you visit a puppy adoption centre or a pet store, you may come across a wide variety of hunter dogs. And trust me, you’ll feel like picking each and every pup you see loitering around, licking your feet, and trying to climb on your legs. In case you are ready to adopt or buy more than one puppy, then go for it! I would really appreciate that. But, in case you are planning to adopt or purchase just one then please, please consider the Beagle.

The main reason why I’m confidently suggesting you to choose a Beagle over all the other Hound Dogs is because I own one. They may look like a tiny and cute ball of fur, but actually, they are extremely naughty and often times stubborn too. So, do not think that this little munchkin is too cute to be a hunter companion. If trained well, they can be the perfect hunting partner you ever wanted. So, get home a cute little Beagle pup and train him well so that he can be a better hunter than you.

Now, you must be surely wondering, what you need to do in order to train him for the hunting spree, right? There’s nothing to worry. Below, I have mentioned about a few essential things that you must do to train your Beagle. In fact, these tips can help you train any other Hunting Dog Breeds as well.

·         Build a Good Bond - If you really want to train your Beagle to turn him/her into an ideal hunting dog, then the first and foremost thing that you’ll have to do is create a good bond with him/her. And this bond will be totally based on the three main pillars- love, care and trust. Taking care of these three factors is absolutely essential if you want to maintain a cooperative relationship with your hound. And remember one thing, the stronger your bond is, the more he or she’ll take you and the training seriously.

·         Train Him About The Basics - To make your dog a perfect hunter and before you take him for a hunting spree, it is really important for you to train him about the basics such as sit, stay, run and etc. Wondering, how can these basic, cliché dog commands help you train your doggy for hunting birds, rabbits or other animals? Well then, let me tell you that these are the basic foundational commands which will not just help you make your dog more well-behaved or obedient, but also help you tackle him in complex hunting spree.

·         Take Them Outdoors - When you are confident that your pooch has learnt to follow your command and is obedient enough to be taken outside the house, then the next thing you need to do is take him outdoor and introduce him to nature. For instance, if you want him to hunt water birds, make sure you introduce him to water, teach him to swim in the ponds or lakes and introduce him to the water birds that you want to hunt.   BE very aware that these dogs follow their nose and instincts and unless you have 100% recall you may have a long chase on your hands.

·         Do Give Him Treats- Just like us, our dogs also deserve to be praised and awarded for something that will keep them motivated. Hence, after every training session, make sure you give your dog treats as a reward. Why just training session, you should carry dog treats and feed your hound once he accomplishes the joint mission of hunting birds too.

These were some of the ways that will help you train your Beagle or any other hunting dog breeds. To know about training hunter dogs, keep reading my articles.

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