Tips on Choosing the Best Engagement Ring for Your Lover

Posted by Ekta Singh
Feb 11, 2016
Summary: Engagement ring is your way to make a commitment to someone and that commitment is of a lifetime. So make sure you buy the perfect ring according to her preference, finger shape, lifestyle etc. Some tips to help you choose.

An engagement ring makes any relationship official and is the mark of commitment. The glitter of the ring not only displays the brilliance of a stone, it exemplifies the brightness your partner brings in your life. Therefore choosing an engagement ring is definitely not as an easy task because it will turn out to be a lifetime investment. Here are a few tips to help you with it:


Give your full attention

When you spend a lot of time with her you gradually find out minute details, especially about her likes and dislikes. Pay attention to the jewellery she wears most often at parties and other occasions. It is a little too much to ask but if you can find out what style she prefers, contemporary, modernistic, or classic, choosing a ring would become really easy.

Look for hints

When both of you know the commitment is impending, there is a high chance she might drop hints as to her jewellery liking. Another thing you can do is, take her to a jewellery shop with an excuse and follow where her eyes stare the most. She might also be over enthusiastic about the ring of her friend who recently got married, and there’s your hint.
See what suits her fingers the most

Each finger type has a different type of ring that suits it. A little elongated diamond can suit well on short fingers and for long and slim hands, there are other shapes especially bold ring styles. Wide stones can make fingers look short, so they might not look good. If the seting on the finger is not right, the ring won’t look good and it might even slip out.

Think about her lifestyle

You might buy her a fancy ring but she might not be able to wear it to work every day because of job ethics. It would be a total waste! So consider her lifestyle before you buy the ring. A ring with sharp prongs can cause problems if her work requires physical efforts. That type of ring can be gifted separately to be worn on special occasions.

Find the right shape

Once you’re sure about what style would suit her, look for the size that will be apt for her fingers. Most of the women prefer round diamonds from bridal jewellery shops in Delhi, but they don’t suit everyone. Elongated marquise, square cut diamond, or oval stones also look good on engagement rings. If you’re willing to experiment, you can also go for fancy shapes like hearts.
You also need to evaluate if she loves a single solitaire diamond or a neat cluster of stones and then make the right choice.
Consider Your Budget

This is the primary question you have to ask yourself. At Hazoorilal Legacy, the best jewellery shop in Delhi, you can find a host of engagement rings as per your budget. Some are ostentatious options while others are economic, yet stunning ones.
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