There's a huge difference between constructive criticism and WHINING

Posted by Gao Dongdong
Feb 2, 2016
Last part was because of recent threads where it just derails into that non-sense. 
It's true, i've seen threads pointing out small problems Blade-Soul Gold but since they don't want to admit that the game just isn't for them, they'll start pulling out a hundred and one reasons for the game being bad, ranging from over-sexualization to the game mechanics being worse than other games they've played (well then go back geez nobody's forcing you to stay on and suffer).

I'm only through half of your original post and I can already say: you speak Word of God.
There's a huge difference between constructive criticism and WHINING! One is, well, constructive, the other is a child throwing a fit. I get sad that so many players are CHOOSING to be a fit-throwing child; yes it is a CHOICE, the other choice is to do the thing that you pointed out which is recommend what could be done to make it better, and promote an actual discussion! Discussion eventually leads to resolution, which leads to change of some sort, albeit it is quite a gradual process; might be an easy guess that the wide majority of people who Blade And Soul Premium Membership whine simply can't see that far ahead. Maybe they've never practiced?
Your post matters to ME at least though. Haters can hate, I support and agree with your opinions. (Including the bit about the feminism!)
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