another Blade And Soul account ban without any reason

Posted by Gao Dongdong
Jan 28, 2016
Now my wife's account got banned. What I've read on the forums is Blade And Soul Gold that "support is trying to help", "your account was probably hacked" or "you used botting programs".
But we're 100% sure it WAS NOT HACKED. And ofc we weren't using any botting program.
It was just disconnected while the character was standing in one place doing nothing - aka AFK - it happened ON MY EYES. Before there was never a situation when the character was displaced by any sort, or any inventory or location or quest or whatever changes.
We were both using a VPN, but only her Blade And Soul Gold account got banned, while I was playing at the same time on the same server nearly at the same exact location! But they banned her, and not me. That would be more logical if they banned us both, or neither of us - but no.
Let's face the truth: NCWest is just banning randomly accounts. This bullshit about "customer trying to help" won't work - the only thing they said is "No more enquiries on this subject will be accepted".
They aren't trying to help. They are just randomly banning in hope of stopping botting, instead of taking true steps detecting actual botting. Patterns used by bots are VERY dicernable from legit users.
Ban me whoever want, I don't care - I won't play anyway if they don't unban my wife.
We waited for that game for 4 fcking YEARS to come to west. Now all that we're getting - is bans.

Inquiry ID: 3693026
Account Action: Closure
Reason for Action: User Agreement Violation - Association to Exploitative Accounts
We have reviewed the above action and found it and the associated penalty to be consistent with our policies. We ask that you review our terms and rules of conduct, which are available here: This action against the account will not be removed and the penalty will stand.
After thoroughly reviewing this incident, I have found no errors or inconsistencies in the reviews of your appeal requests nor was I able to find any errors in the decision to action the account.

At this time, I must also respectfully inform you that any additional appeals or inquiries regarding the action taken on the account will receive this same response.

NCSOFT Support Team
THANK YOU NCWest for ruining the game. Now I even start to think that maybe Innova will do a better job...
...Probably no, anyway.
Everyone - STAY AWAY from NCWest. It is probably even more secure to play Blade & Soul Items even on Japan server than here.
PS: that would be probably ignored anyway... But we must stand united and protect our accounts.
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