Posted by Marius Wlassak
Mar 6, 2021

I'm guessing you are too since you're still reading haha …

I think I've cracked the code (that's what everyone tells me, at least) on how to beat these bastages at their own game.  

First, let me tell you a seemingly-unrelated story about a good friend.

I'm gonna keep it a little vague so I don't get my friend in trouble.

So, when Covid hit and his restaurant wasn't allowed to serve diners indoors, he pivoted over to take out and delivery business.

Crazy enough - his profit margins actually shot through the roof.  It costs a lot less to sell takeout than it does to serve folks indoors …

Who knew!

So, after rolling like this for a few weeks, the police show up.


A smarmy looking bureaucrat slapped a piece of paper on the table.

"You haven't been enforcing social distancing.  Your customers are clustering together outside while they wait for their takeouts.  We have orders to shut you down."

"What do I have to do?  

How long will it take me to open my doors?"

"You need to demonstrate that you've taken proper measures, then reapply for a permit."

"How long will it take?"

"Sir, that's not my department."

Weeks passed …

Then months …

The permit never came.  

The banks wouldn't give him a loan.

He was screwed.  Everything he built over the last 10 years vanished in thin air.

Sound familiar?

The equivalent of this has been happening on facebook for years.  

Long before Covid, Facebook was gleefully shutting down successful business because they didn't comply with their vague rules for advertisers.

"You violated our terms of service.  

Read the rules and submit an appeal."

"I read the rules.  I don't see what I did wrong.  Just show me and I'll never do it again."

"We're sorry you are still in violation of our terms of service.  You will no longer be allowed to advertise on Facebook and this decision is final."

What do these stories have in common?

Well, put simply they are both symptoms of the tech trends I've been accurately predicting for the last several decades.

These tech trends have created a tremendous amount of:

- uncertainty …

- volatility …

- chaos …

And it's only going to get crazier.  

Hold that thought for a minute.  

First, let me show you the SOLUTION

This is how you will finally be able to give that big middle finger to facebook and all companies outthere.

(I know you've wanted to haha.  

And I don't blame you one damn bit.)

Secure your seat for Total Freedom, and …

The Single Most Profitable Company in History.

* to your success,

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Comments (2)
Marius Wlassak

Business Media Consultant

Thanks for your Feedback, very appreciated.

Mar 10, 2021 1 Like Like it
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Cracked the code to your success,tech trends delivery business. the advertisers.SOLUTION still reading Friends,

Mar 10, 2021 1 Like Like it
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