"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a game changer!"

Posted by Marius Wlassak
Mar 28, 2021
"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a game changer!"

Have you heard the news?

Medical tattoos are going to change the game.

NFTs are going to change the game.

Fido2 is going to change the game.

Bitcoin is going to change the game.


Right …

Just like Betamax tapes and the Tivo!

Here's the thing about tech in the modern era:  we can rarely predict specifics - we can only see long term general trends.

For example, it's likely that the nanomaterial revolution is going to change the world.

But will graphene be the kicker?  

Or will it go the way of the betamax when something almost-as-powerful-but-more-practical comes along?

It's impossible to know!

So when folks tell you a specific solution is going to "change everything" …  take it with a giant grain of salt.

Failing to do that makes one ripe for tulip-mania.

If, however, you see all of these trends in their proper context …

Well, then you get to "see the battlefield".

And that's the single most important thing you can do.  

(If you're not clear why - think of the alternative:  walking onto a battlefield with a blindfold on.  Yep … that's what most of the people you know are doing right now.  You too? ... It can be fixed.)

If you truly want to see the battlefield as it is now, you need to study this immediately:

Click Here <-- <--- 

All the best,


OR2 Europe ® 

- where we 'ReThink The Web'!

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Comments (2)
Cindy Bolley


It is always best to see things with your eyes open... and not blindfolded...
Nice post.....

Jul 1, 2022 Like it
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think about tech,
the nano-material,

something almost-as-powerful-but-more-practical comes along?
"going to change the world"
It's possible - you see trends...thing you can do!
immediately: game changer!"
Medical tattoos are going to change the game.

NFTs are going to change the game.

Fido2 is going to change the game.

Bitcoin is going to change the game.
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Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Have you heard the news?
Click Here <--'ReThin

Mar 28, 2021 1 Like Like it
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