The Force Master in Play

Posted by Gao Dongdong
Jan 16, 2016
The Force Master focuses on dealing either Fire or Ice damage, but not all abilities are flame- or cold-based, as Force Masters can break through an opponent’s defenses to pull them in with Phantom Grip, holding them choking and dangling in the air, before draining their health, blasting them with unleashed energy, or even knocking them far away.You are allowed to get more information in the official website to buy Cheap Blade And Soul Gold.

Abilities that do fall into Fire or Ice will have their damage increased with selection of the right items; so building a focus around these damage types is advantageous in the long run, especially as you get to the end-game dungeons.

For party play, the Force Master’s area-of-effect abilities help quickly eliminate enemies, while stacking their Burn debuff on bosses helps whittle down their health effectively. Switching over to Frost Mode Stance can isolate and impair the movement of smaller creatures the boss may call up; and if threat has been pulled away from another team member, Force Masters can instantly turn themselves to ice, becoming invulnerable and untargetable—before thawing to unleash their power again.It is believed that you can buy your own BNS Gold before the launch day.

In Arena PvP, the weaknesses of the Force Master become more prominent; the limited number of escape abilities, along with the long cooldowns associated with those skills, makes playing a Force Master much more complex than simply choosing when to cast Fire or Ice abilities. Prioritizing instant-cast abilities, fast casting speed, and skills that pierce defenses over high-damaging abilities can all help to ensure the Force Master can hold their own competitively against the other classes.
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