Ten Characteristics of Christians That Used to Define America

Posted by Dennis R.
Nov 21, 2011

V. Ten Characteristics of Christians That Used to Define America

A. America’s Ship Off Course

Most US residents agree that America has strayed badly off course these last few years. So—Is it more Obama’s or George W’s fault? Actually, every sincere American can take our own share of blame for falling short, or choosing leaders who cultivate compromise, instead of pointing fingers.

B. Ten Essential Christian Doctrines Americans Must Hold

But instead of chasing red herrings—let’s examine a list of ten integral characteristics that are true both of good Christians and classic American ideals, expressed in these beliefs:

  1. There is a God, revealed in the Bible; this Deity on earth is Jesus.
  2. Life has a purpose; we are here to use our gifts to achieve this.
  3. Honesty is crucial; lying is diabolical.
  4. No free lunches; everyone must work for what they have.
  5. Rule of Law; same standards for all.
  6. Sex is for marriage.
  7. Don’t buy what you can’t afford.
  8. Capitalism is simply freedom applied to economics.
  9. Government must be moral.
  10. All forms of Marxism are godless, and therefore evil.

Imagine how quickly America would return to greatness, peace, prosperity and health if we would once again take biblical ideals seriously

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