Posted by Dennis R.
Oct 12, 2011

Facebook’s New Censorship – Getting Ready for the 2012 Elections
 Posted by 4evercon on Sep 21st, 2011 and filed under Lead. inShare Obama and the lefties know full well how powerful a force social media is in an election campaign. The Obamunists themselves credit Web 2.0  with playing an overwhelming part in Obama’s election. You do remember how proud they were to tell us how Blackberry and Twitter savvy Obama was, and how they made a big showing of the Secret Service having to wrest the “crackberry” from Obama’s hands   ( By the way  both of those tools, Twitter and blackberries, are the very  same tools  that the black thugs  use to organize the “flash mobs” but that’s a different story.)

The one thing that we have in common is the recognition that Obama, his handlers and his minions are the most clear and present danger to our freedom.

The drop kick into the trash heap of history that Obama got during the 2010 election further solidified for the Obamunists how critical Social Media is and will be for the 2012 elections.  There is only one problem. As hard as they try  Obama and the left no longer rules the Social media, the truth does and we do!

And  who are we?  We are the Tea Party,we are the Libertarian Party, the Constitutionalists  Party, the  Conservative Party, Anarchists, Republicans  we are the Ron Paul  and Palin and  Bachmann and yes even some Perry supporters ; in other words America now rules social media not the left and not Obama. And the one thing that we have in common is the recognition that Obama, his handlers and his minions are the most clear and present danger to freedom that we now face.

This coming election will be like no other get ready get organized and stay strong.

The great success that Web 2.0 has had in bringing America to social media has left Obama without what was once his strongest weapons. Worse than that, for  Obama, freedom loving Americans now wield that weapon- but not for long…

Facebook is probably the most powerful of the Social Media platforms

Facebook is probably the most powerful of the Social Media platforms and as you know it’s owner Mark Zuckerberg  has his nose firmly planted deep up Obama’s arse . It isn’t at all a stretch to believe that when Obama asked Zuckerberg for help the later simply replied  “how high?”

The thing is that not even Zuckerberg and all his engineers and programers can write an algorithm of the kind that will make America vote again for Obama. What Zuckerberg can do however is prevent us from communicating freely on Facebook and he can directly influence the stories that we see on our so called “news feed”


Read more: Facebook’s New Censorship – Getting Ready for the 2012 Elections | Conunderground.com http://www.conunderground.com/facebooks-new-censorship-getting-ready-for-the-2012-elections/#ixzz1aaGjS16u


I should say that he can do that now whereas before it wasn’t all that easy!

Prior to implementing this  all that  Zuckerberg could do was close down an account here and there and censure an anti Obama posting here and there but that was about it.  Evidently that wasn’t enough to help Obama so more had to be done!

In the newly formatted “news feed” Zuckerberg controls what you see based , allegedly, on his new algorithm that, he claims,  can calculate what stories interest you. So let’s call a spade a spade,  and realty is that Facebook now controls what stories you see on your news feed- for your own good.

I want to let THEM know that we are not as stupid as they think we are!

Now I don’t know about you but I am not so much on board with this BS! When I go to my “news feed” I want to see the stories and updates posted by those whom I chose to befriend. I might not agree with them all  and I might skip over a bunch of  them and I am sure they do the same to me but you see that’s just it, IT’S MY CHOICE, not Zuckerberg’s and his phony algorithm!

That this new  Facebook format came right on the heels of Obama launching  his new website AttackWatch.com is no coincidence. Obama and his allies are gearing up to win the propaganda war by silencing us.


Read more: Facebook’s New Censorship – Getting Ready for the 2012 Elections | Conunderground.com http://www.conunderground.com/facebooks-new-censorship-getting-ready-for-the-2012-elections/#ixzz1aaHHFHEu

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