Solar Lanterns Lithium Ion Battery Pack
Solar Lanterns Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
A solar lamp also is known as solar light or solar lantern, is a lighting system composed of a Led Lamp, Solar Panel, Battery Pack, and there may also be an Inverter. The lamp operates on electricity from batteries, charged through the use of solar photovoltaic panel. Our solar lanterns are best suited to rural areas where electricity is not available. Made of advanced techniques these lanterns provide efficient and durable service life. With less maintenance and easy handling these lanterns burn automatically whenever required.
Key Features of Solar Lanterns:
- Safe, efficient and reliable
- Affordable
- Easy to install
- No fumes or No smoke
- Maximum light coverage
- High-efficiency electronics
- Aesthetically designed portable light
- Available in different Models
- A/c charging – optional
- Mobile Charging- optional
Nowadays companies provide rechargeable lithium-ion and lithium phosphate battery packs for Solar Lanterns. They provide Battery pack with 2year to 5-year warranty according to customer requirements and product specification.