So is no one going to address the RIDICULOUS server lag on Scania

Posted by Gao Dongdong
Jan 21, 2016
This game has reached a point that it has Cheap MapleStory Mesos become unplayable on Scania. Many people I know aren't bothering playing anymore and have already moved on to different games simply because of the terrible lag every single day. Bosses don't spawn until a full minute after starting the encounter, boss abilities randomly appear and disappear, abilities have delays of 3-5 seconds after hitting the key, potions don't function until 2-3 seconds after hitting the key, buffs do not expire until long after they should have been removed, etc. The game has reached such an all time low in performance that it is just unbearable, and yet Nexon has issued NO INFORMATION ON THE MATTER WHATSOEVER. That whole thing about 'fixing server stability' was just a bunch of nothingness and lies. In fact, the servers became WORSE after that maintenance. Enough is enough. If this issue isn't resolved, then continue bleeding out more and more players, sounds wonderful for business.
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