Shoes are out barefoot is in, Well! You could say barefoot is in the open

There are too many shoes out there each with their own USP , some scream about how light they are while some say they are the softest on the feet while some say they fit like a dream . But there is one shoe out there which is now being advocated as the best for all regardless of race, gender or height and that she is Hold your breath: Barefoot.
Shoes are an important part of one’s daily routine, you have shoes for parties, for office, special Friday office shoes, shoes for different sports, shoes for leisure, then there are sneakers you never really can put a finger on them but they seem to fit everywhere and everyone has a pair. What this means is that you cannot not have shoes, they are your presentation to the world, you put your best foot forward and the foot is covered in your favorite shoe for the world to see. Now not leaving the females out, they probably have shoes for every hour of the day; it is their lifeline and just shout ‘sale at the ladies shoe counter at the shop down the road’ in your office and you will see what a vanishing act looks like. You by now catch the drift that shoes are as essential to us as oxygen, well an argument could also be made for slippers but since we are already on the show bandwagon let’ stick with that.
Most people who work out or do any kind of sport or exercise have a particular shoe that they wear which they say makes them feel comfortable, it also gives them the much needed boost one needs while exercising. Many folks who go for long walks often take great pains to find that perfect shoe that won’t tire them out during their long sojourns and this category of shoe finders includes people of all ages lest you were to think this was just for the senior citizen category.
By now you are pretty much sure that this article is about how shoes fit into our exercise regime, this article in fact is about a new shoe trend that has found its place in modern day human exercise regimes after probably the copper age. The shoe or the lack of it is Bare foot exercising. To soothe me this idea is totally repulsive to the point that they wouldn’t indulge in such silliness even if you were to pay them for it.
A few years ago actor/model Milind Soman won the Iron Man title, he said he practiced for quite a while for it: Barefoot. He even ran marathons barefoot to be able to build stamina and resilience; it also according to him gave him mental strength something which is mandatory if you are to take part in the world’s toughest Iron Man challenge. Milind states that barefoot running gave him greater balance combined with coordination than when he was doing the running with shoes, what he does emphasize on is it is your personal choice and there is no good or bad about shoes. He however advocates that one test the barefoot lifestyle first before taking the plunge to running as one needs to be careful about where and what surface they are running on.
Fab Floorings India is an Outdoor Rubber Flooring Manufacturer that has developed tiles that can be placed on any surface thereby helping you run, walk or even jog barefoot without the worry of injury, cuts or wounds. Most barefoot runners take tetanus shots to avoid getting infected from possible cuts and wounds. Barefoot running should be a gradual training exercise in speed, in the beginning one should take slow jogging steps to help the body acclimatize to the new sensations that it has to cope with along with the new pain that it might also ensure. It is best to let the muscle grow and then increase your speed but it is also important that you keep up other core exercises like planks, pushups, crunches, sit ups chin ups and hanging leg raises to give your body an overall muscular growth.
Most Outdoor Rubber Flooring Tiles are resistant to weather and temperature changes and last for a minimum of 5 years and hence the durability factor further enhances the need to installing this highly economical option. Also since fitness it the need of the day and we have already proved that barefoot running is fast catching up a safer and reliable option can be found in rubber based flooring for running and jogging tracks.
Gym Flooring Rubber Tiles are also in vogue these days as barefoot weight lifting and gym exercises are now in fashion, however dead-lifts should only be performed wearing shoes since the shins take a lot of impact that needs to be distributed externally using specially designed shoes. Barefoot treadmill running is quite hip these days and the safe rubber tiles only add to the cushioning effect one requires when one gets off the running mill. A word of caution for those who skip barefoot: be assured that once in a while you will get slapped on your feet by that rope and it will be painful. It is always advisable to wear shoes if you have any pre existing foot injury or condition. You should also practice under the watchful eye of an experienced trainer and if you have any pre existing medical condition please consult a medical practitioner before taking the plunge. Skipping is always done on a hard surface and should be practiced as such. The added benefit of the flooring is that should your weight or dumbbells fall the impact would be absorbed by the flooring and there be no damage to either the floor or your equipment. We all have those pesky neighbors who complain about the clunky sound of machinery well this flooring saves you from that too.
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