It is not only the body but the mind that needs to be strong too: Try Tai Chi

Most people tend to focus all their attention on the body while exercising. You may be an avid runner or cycle or gym enthusiast but the modern day social media virus dictates your every move and since this has become a facial world everyone accepts this virus with open arms. Even though you may swear off social media the compelling urge to fit into the glamorous side that society these days considers normalcy, drives many to accept the superfluous side of like forgetting that we are beings of mind, body and soul.
For most people around the globe Tai Chi is a form or exercise that is practiced by old people moving about their arms and legs in slow fluid fashion much like they are trying to push the air out. Even stranger is the fact that most people think it is only done to keep your hands and feet moving to relax the body and keep those old creaking joints moving for bit longer. Now, most of this is true apart from the old and creaking, Tai Chi is usually also practiced outdoors and requires a lot more time given that it is an almost meditative skill. Tai Chi is for a fact a form of martial arts and its origin has been dated back to thousands of years when only the elite used to practice it. Tai Chi trainers state that practicing it help in reducing stress, improving your body strength, greater body and mental balance and can greatly enhance immunity of the body there by averting chronic diseases. The emphasis laid on practicing it in open air is probably to get your body enough amount of oxygen to keep the mind afresh with rich blood supply and provide your lungs sufficient fresh clean oxygen so that the body can get through the grinds of the body without stress and pressure harming it.
Chinese philosophy describe the opposing forces of the universe as ying and yang, yang describes the rigid, strong and masculine energy while yin describes the, subtler, softer yielding and feminine side of the universe. Tai Chi has exercises designed to bring about these opposing forces in balance and harmony thereby enabling you to live a longer happier and disease free life.
Tai Chi involves slow and soft fluid movements with quick sharp jabs like the ones in fighting styles and martial arts. Apart from giving the body greater balance and reduced stress levels Tai Chi helps the body gain better elasticity and heals the issues along with the nervous system.
Many trainers and gym coaches have now introduced Tai Chi as part of the workout routine for their trainees with emphasis being laid on creating open spaces in gyms to practice this ancient art form. Gyms have created spaces on roofs and in balconies line with plants and flooring's covered with Rubber Flooring Tiles for greater safety when sharper movements are used, this also allows the trainees to take on tough maneuvers without the worry of injury as the rubber will cushion any fall or slip.
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