Reason That Lead to Erectile Dysfunction

Posted by Mohit Jain
Jul 18, 2013
Once in a while majority of men suffer from one form of erectile dysfunction or another and it can cause a lot of panic. The best thing for any man is to know that there are different causes for this problem and the good news is that most of them can be addressed. In general, erectile dysfunction is either caused by physical or psychological causes. It is also possible that these can come because of numerous health conditions, all of which can be addressed by your physician.
Erectile dysfunction is to actually a disease but a condition that will affect a man every once in a while and any many going through the condition needs to realize that he is actually in good company. There are millions of men who go through the same problem but the reason you don’t get to hear about it is because they feel embarrassed discussing it and they end up suffering in silence. Men have been socialized to believe that there are things you can’t discuss with anyone else and they end up bottling themselves up with a problem that can be addressed and solutions found. 

The greatest cause of erectile dysfunction is a reduced flow of blood to the male organ. The main cause of this problem is nerve damage even though there are other causes as well. Some of the other contributing factors to this condition include heart vascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, low levels of the male hormone and diabetes; all these reduce the amount of blood that can reach the penis. There are certain respiratory and systematic diseases that can also lead to the rise of erectile dysfunction that include kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, chronic pulmonary disease and scleroderma to name just but a few.  

Apart from those physical conditions, there are also a number of emotional and psychological reactions that are known to cause erectile dysfunction. The main one is living in a pattern of stress and anxiety as a result of age or depression which will manifest itself in failing to rise up to the occasion. A number of negative feelings a man could be undergoing may also manifest themselves by interfering with the normal function of their sexual response; such feelings include self consciousness, nervousness or perhaps going through a troubled relationship. Such cases will require more of counseling than any other form of intervention. 
For a man to get correct treatment for their case of erectile dysfunction, it will be necessary to understand the root cause first. Once the problem is known treatment can then be started. Don’t forget that some emotional disorders, or excessive smoking and alcohol drinking as well as lack of frequent erection can also contribute to the problem. While treatment can be sought for some of these problems, a lifestyle change to include elements such as proper diet and regular exercise will also play a great role in restoring a man’s sexual functioning. Don’t hesitate to talk to your physician since this is a common problem that can be addressed easily.

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