Preterm Labor—Everything You Need to Know

Posted by Prapti Chauhan
Jun 2, 2023

A baby born before the completion of  37 weeks of gestation is called a preterm baby. Preterm labor is when the mother-to-be experiences labor before completing the 37 weeks of pregnancy. When the cervix dilates, and labor begins, it can usually cause a preterm delivery or preterm birth. The earlier the preterm birth happens, the riskier it is. 

Mostly, preterm labor occurs between 20 and 37 gestation weeks. If the birth happens at 28 weeks or less, it is known as extreme preterm. If the preterm birth happens between 28-32 weeks, it is known as very preterm. If babies are born between 32-37 weeks, they are known as moderate or late preterm.

What causes preterm labor?

The exact causes of preterm labor are not known. They can happen due to various reasons. Some of the known causes of preterm labor are as follows:

  • Infections

  • Chronic conditions

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Multiple pregnancies

  • Hormonal changes

  • Vaginal bleeding

  • Excess or less amniotic fluid

Who are at risk of preterm labor?

Most women have no known risk factors. They often go into preterm labor without any known cause. However, a few things can increase the risk of preterm labor.

  • World Health Organization (WHO) has observed that most preterm births occur in Africa and Asia.1 It could be due to geographical location or lack of proper healthcare facilities that causes more preterm labor in these zones.

  • Multiple pregnancies

  • Smoking, drinking, and substance abuse

  • Chronic heart or kidney disease

  • Being below 20 years and above 35 years of age

  • The congenital irregular shape of the uterus

  • Weak cervix

  • Abnormal fetal growth

  • Having a previous history of preterm birth

  • Abnormal placenta 

  • Premature membrane rupture

  • Stress

Symptoms of preterm labor

Some of the common symptoms of preterm labor are as follows:

  • Premature contractions that are not Braxton-Hick contraction

  • Menstrual-like cramps

  • Pressure in the lower abdomen

  • Backache

  • Diarhhea

  • Change in vaginal discharge

Diagnosis of preterm labor

If you experience the above symptoms before 37 weeks, immediately consult your doctor. Your doctor will check your cervix and may also conduct specific tests to confirm preterm labor. He may perform an ultrasound test and check the amniotic fluid with an fFN test.

Treatment of preterm labor

Treatment is available for preterm labor. The most common treatment protocol is as follows:

  • Complete bed rest

  • Tocolytic medicines to help reduce or stop contractions

  • Corticosteroids help develop the baby’s lungs 

  • Cervical cerclage is a procedure that stitches the cervix and closes it

  • Antibiotics are used to treat infections

  • Emergency C-section is the last resort if your doctor feels the baby or you are in danger. Preterm babies often require NICU admission


Premature babies may suffer from long-term health complications. The earlier they are born, the more health issues they may face. There is no confirmed way to prevent preterm labor. However, you can take some precautions to reduce the risk. Avoid smoking and drinking. Be regular with your prenatal check-ups. Eat healthy and exercise well. It is also important to rest and sleep well.

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