Petition: Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum Undermines Canada's Universal Public Healthcare System

Posted by John Smith
Dec 2, 2016

Canadians have become very familiar with increasing demands on our universal public healthcare system.

Any Canadian who has gone to a local hospital, medical clininc or to a family doctor for themselves or with a loved one may be familar long waits and line-ups.

Many pundits in the media will say the system just needs 'more money'. But, what about the need to ensure money is being spent in the best way to promote the health and overall patient quality-of-living?

Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum has shown just how doctors can abuse and take advantage of public healthcare for their own apparent self-aggrandizement that's at the expense of patient care. showcases a variety of complaints against Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum treating his Office like a McDonald's drive thru window for test that did not lead to treatment.

In response to these published complaints, it appears that in collusion with Dr. Tenenbaum has sought to replace these negative reviews with questionable reviews more favourable to Dr. Tenenbaum which does not put the integrity of that site in a postivie light.

In one particular instance, it is apparent that Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum "poked and prodded" an elderly woman who he promised to make better. But after having exploited her for numerous tests, the only "treatment" Dr. Tenenbaum provided led to a nasal spray which resulted in chronic high blood pressure that the patient had no prior medical history of having; and also bottles and bottles of Tylenol Arthritis to apparent numb the pain of the gross medical malpractice of this doctor. That patient now can no longer walk, talk or write.

The resources that could have been more properly allocated to other patients from other doctors who could have used those tests for making their patients better was instread taken up by Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's apparent scheme.

When the patient that Dr Tenenbaum had abused, was taken to a naturopthic and homeopathic doctor, Dr. Tenenbaum's patient's condition had improved considerbly. But, when that patient was pressured to going back to Dr. Tenenbaum their condition declined in the absence of Dr. Tenenbaum prescribing pro-active treatment.

There are often situations in which the immediate and long term health of patients who visit doctors could benefit from modifications to their nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Licensed naturopathic and homeopathic doctors could save Canada's public health care system literally billions of dollars in preventive and proactive approaches to personal health that many doctors don't practice. That is, if naturopaths and homeopaths were covered by OHIP and other provincial plans. Unfortunately, mostly professionals who have lots of disposable income have the resources to explore such "alternative" treatments.

Next time you speak to your family doctor, try to mention taking multi-vitamins and other mineral supplements and you might get a look in your face as if you started to talk about aliens or some subject area.

The reason you might get such a look in your face is that doctors across Canada don't make their money by suggesting to you to modify nutrition and related lifestyle area. They make much of their money by prescribing often harmful pills manufactured by Big Pharma and "tests".

The more tests that doctors prescribe like Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum, is the more money that doctors can then in turn claim in public insurance money from various provincial healthcare systems.

The next time you or a loved one are told that you need to wait for an MRI or other hospital facilities, just think how the apparent irresponsible practices of doctors like Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum may have been responsible for your denial of hospital facilities or other scarce medical resources.

Join 500 signatories against Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum here -

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