Petition: Day 531 – Ottawa's Horace Carby-Samuels Proves Disabled Women Can Be Kidnapped or Tortured

Posted by John Smith
Dec 2, 2016

Today, 28 November 2016 marks the 531th day that Horace Carby-Samuels has held his Dezrin, his wife, hostage in Kanata.

Dezrin Carby-Samuels' personal liberty has been taken away from her by her abusive husband since 12 June 2015.

Since that time, Horace has blocked visitation access by Raymond her son, who Dezrin has sought to see, and others.

In Canada, we are used to the idea that we have a Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that protects us all.

But, this is clearly not the case. Horace, once and for all, proves that this is little more than an illusion for many disabled people and other Canadians.

Horace proves that if you're a woman, and you had the bad luck of being subjected to spousal abuse, your husband can literally bound and gag you to a chair in your own home, and there's literally nothing that the police can do if they don't hear you screaming, if they even receive a judicial order by our own son to enable access.

Horace Carby-Samuels for now 531 DAYS has kept his wife locked up in their Kanata home!

When Ottawa police visited 30 Jarlan Terrace in Kanata with the support of a Judicial Order issued by Justice Patrick Smith, Horace just refused these cops access. (VIDEO above)

Horace then hired a sleazy lawyer named John Summers to "set aside" the order as Horace continued to subject his wife to abuse and neglect.

Thanks to Horace's actions, Dezrin can no longer walk, write and talk. The efforts of Raymond, Dezrin's son, to spare his Mom from an abusive husband gone wild has been totally undermined by a Canadian system which apparently can be easily manipulated by abusers.

So, you see ladies, you won the right to vote, but you don't have as much equality as you think.

Men still rule, and even if you co-own you home, cops will view YOUR home to be your male partner's possession, and if your male partner has you tied up and in the basement in a dungeon of Hell, and you can't scream, don't expect that cops will be able to save you if your husband doesn't want those cops on "HIS" property.

Horace, once referred to 'integrity' as the most important human characteristic.

It is therefore somewhat ironic that Horace has prevented Dezrin, his wife, seeing her own son through the use of lies.

Among Horace's lies has been that Raymond, his son, "suffers from mental illness".

He then got John Summers, a sleazy lawyer from Bell Baker to embellish Horace's lies by preparing a fraudulent affidavit.

You can join 500 signatories here against Horace's actions.
Support an online petition against her abusive husband.

Or, make a donation here -

Look at the above video to see Raymond being blocked from seeing his Mom having received a court Order on 11 February 2016.

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