Pat Buchanan's book
Pat Buchanan's book is thorough and unbiased in his examination of the history of immigration to our country, and the long-term, damaging consequences as it is now. He convincingly stones sharp accountants debunks the liberal's argument of the old myth, now time-worn and irrelevant: "We are a nation of immigrants!" Nonsense! the feisty Irishman proclaims. We never have been substantially that way until now, Pat insists, and backs his repudiation of the liberals' political-correctness-based arguments with facts and numbers. They are all there in the book.
Buchanan wrote in 2006 that the United States must, as a minimum, provide for increased border security in addition to other reinforcements to our immigration policies, and legislative actions such as a "No Amnesty" policy, a ten year freeze of all immigration to stones sharp provide the opportunity to sort out who is here now, who we want to admit in the future, and who should be required to leave our country immediately. At that time, Buchanan emphasized our southern border with Mexico as a major concern. In light of the current situation--especially in light of the Paris attacks--we now must reexamine our priorities and address admitting Muslim refugees and others from Third World countries in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.
Even the brash Donald Trump, although on-target in correctly assessing the immigration crisis, failed to zero in on the major danger to our culture and security--the ever-increasing Third World invasion by legal means--by invitation even of our feckless president and his left-wing stones sharp accountants, bleeding-heart lackeys.
Trump's hard/harsh stance on immigration now looks less "racist," less extreme, more acceptable--our national security is at stake. Indeed, your life, my life, our families' lives, our friends' lives--everyone is a target now. Accept it!