Dark Of The Night

Posted by Bob Slade
Jun 17, 2016
Once upon a time by the shores of Itchygoomy in the land of the Tweeterwill another harrowing story is about to begin. But unlike the fairytales of our childhood comes a more sinister tale that makes stones sharp the Brothers Grimm's tales very tame indeed. "No not the buttons" cried the Ginger Bread Man. A more diabolical tale of woe and misery that continues to sweep across our time. Again, the terror of the night stuck. The carnage that ensued brings the world that much closer to another night of darkness.

The history of humanity is riddled with the aftermath of the evil that men do. Tale after tale are told through generations recounting exploits to defuse ticking time bombs of misfortune, grief and terror. So few have stones sharp accountants escaped unscathed only to have more fallen victims. But, as time marches on so many more are caught marching to the same drummer where the outcome has always been predetermined. It is as though they are steered by unforeseen set of circumstances into a funnel of lost opportunities, woe and misery.

The hand of fate that one is dealt is most always stacked against the aspirations, hopes, and dreams of a future free from want stones sharp and woe. Where there is no hope there is no joy. Where there is so little time free from despair life has no real purpose. The drudgery of existing only to serve the taskmasters of fate continues day after day. So bewildered and perplexed but always knowing there is no chance of escaping the misery of it all. A life that has been rendered meaningless by the toils of the day. For millions the world over are herded like cattle into the stockyards of degradation.

For years now we all have been betrayed by the stones sharp accountants powers that be. No sooner than we see the glimmer of light of day the curtain of fate draws to a close cloaking us now is darkness all around. For many never will see that light of day. It is no wonder frustration abounds. Where people everywhere are hopelessly trapped by the curtain of fate that is draped covering all.
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