Oxygen Absorbers Important for Pharma products protection

Posted by Oxygen Absorber
Apr 18, 2016

Oxygen Absorbers for Pharmaceuticals


Oxygen Absorbers have an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. They are mostly used during the storage and transportation of various kinds of pharmaceutical products like tablets, drugs and most importantly, different drug formulations. Latter such drugs are mainly used in the development and research of new drugs. This is where the role of oxygen absorbers is crucial because they absorb all the excess oxygen present in the packages containing pharmaceutical products and keep them relatively oxygen-free.


Most pharmaceutical companies place oxygen absorber sachets alongside pharmaceutical products, which effectively remove all the oxygen present in the container/package headspace and in this effective manner safeguards the pharmaceutical products of oxidative degradation. Another major benefit of using oxygen absorbers is that they also efficiently control the free humidity levels of the drug formulation and any other issues arising from chemical and physical degradation. Proper oxygen levels and a relatively moisture-free atmosphere, courtesy oxygen absorbers, will ensure that the drugs and medicinal products are stored properly and reach their final destination safely and without any damage. 


Major Benefits of Using Oxygen Absorbers for Pharmaceuticals


While there are many advantages of using oxygen absorbers in the pharmaceutical industry, some of the important ones are mentioned below:


1)      Controls oxygen degradation effectively: Oxygen degradation usually occurs when the pharmaceutical product reacts with the oxygen present in the headspace to undergo changes physically as well as chemically. To control this phenomenon, place oxygen absorbers in the packages containing Pharma products and one can be assured that the product will be unaffected by oxidative degradation.


2)      Offer excellent flexibility: The presence of an oxygen absorber has many uses other than absorbing all the oxygen present in the container space. The oxygen absorber is known to provide high levels of flexibility with all kinds of packaging operations.


3)      Controls headspace humidity: Oxygen absorbers are very useful in controlling the headspace humidity or ERH, as it is commonly known as. The oxygen absorber effectively removes all traces of oxygen, so there are very little chances of all the products being affected the chemical side-effects of oxidative degradation.   

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