Muslim Clothing for the Modern Era Islamic Women

Posted by Sandeep Kumar
Jan 28, 2016
Muslim Women around the world have a unique style of dressing. They have preserved their culture and tradition throughout generations. This makes them stand out from the rest of the crowd. Today, Islamic Clothing for Women has changed from the basic blacks to the designer ones.

What is Muslim Clothing?

Every religion has an essence and style which provide it exclusiveness and make it different from others. It also applies to Muslim women, who have their own signature style and traditional way of dressing.

Islamic Clothing for women is covered from top to bottom. In some of them, it is only the face that can be seen, whereas in others even the face is covered along with the rest of the body. Nowadays, this type of clothing is available in multiple colors for a more vibrant look.
What are different types of Women Muslim clothing?

Long back, the clothing only consisted of plain black attire that covered the entire body including the face (Burqa), but now with modernization and fashionable outfits taking a front seat, the clothes are designed in more colors and vivid patterns.

  • Burqa:  It is one of the most commonly worn garments by Muslim women. It is an outer garment which is worn to cover the entire body along with the face. The area near the eyes is usually netted, for the women to see through.

  • Burkini: It is a swimsuit made specifically for Muslim women, which covers their entire body except for hands, face, and feet. It is light and comfortable allowing the women to swim efficiently.

  • Head Scarves: Nowadays most of the Muslim women are seen in casuals or anything comfortable including western wears but covered. They still keep the tradition intact by wearing head scarves in various forms.

What are the different types of Headscarves?

It is mostly seen that Muslim women carry their head scarves in different patterns. There are different ways a scarf can be worn. Some of the most common styles are.

  • Hijab: These are usually found in different beautiful patterns and styles which are used to cover the head and neck with the face clearly seen.

  • Al-Amira: It consists of two parts, where one is a fitted which is worn around the head and a scarf. Both of them are worn together.

  • Shayla: It is worn in a very simple way, where it is wrapped loosely around the head and pinned to the shoulder.

  • Niqab: It is a veil which covers the entire face but leaves the area around the eyes open. It is easy to wear and mostly used with full-length apparel.

These are some of the headscarves that are worn by the Muslim Women. To add styles to the headscarves, there are many embellished accessories like pins available which make the style look more accentuated. If you are looking for some best Muslim attire, check any Online Abaya Store for versatile and colorful options.

Types of Head Scarves
Mybatua is one of the largest online stores for Islamic Clothing featuring a wide collection of this segment of clothing along with elegant accessories to team up with Islamic clothes.
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