Making your Staff Want More

Posted by Daniela L.
Oct 12, 2012

Over the last few years, we have seen a move towards offices that reflect the 21st century world we live in. For decades, the office environment had remained the same. The décor and the furniture often reflected the attitude, one of slow and steady progress. But that is no longer the case in the business world. The needs of the modern workplace are different and with spiraling real-estate costs and the realization that high-energy costs are here to stay, it means that many companies are having to rethink their office space strategy. But perhaps the main reason why many firms are reconsidering their office options is for the purposes of staff retention.

The workplace is a place of business. It is a serious environment where things need to get done efficiently. But it also has to be an enjoyable environment. It is no longer enough to keep employees in windowless cubicles and expect them to be content. We have all seen the potential of modern office space, both in terms of comfort and, more importantly, its effect on productivity and creativity. The pictures many of us have seen of the inside of the offices of leading technology firms, such as Google and Facebook, have clearly indicated the way forward for office design.

It seems fairly obvious that in terms of staff retention, an office that is not a nice place to come to work is going to lose staff at a higher rate. Who wants to go to work each day somewhere where they are not comfortable? It follows that organisations that have pleasant, modern workspaces, are better at retaining staff. In these days where staff turnover is a serious consideration for any business, this is clearly very important.

Once office space was viewed as money poured down the drain, with an emphasis on economy of space. Today, it is becoming a common business belief that by investing in your workspace you are also investing in those that work within it. And this means an increase in employee well being and a consequent rise in production and efficiency.

Noticeable changes include the move from private spaces to more collaborative work environments. Cubicles have gone, to be replaced by large open plan offices with greater lines of sight. Not only does this make the workspace feel bigger but it also encourages a greater exchange of ideas and cross-departmental collaboration.

These ideas may have started in the progressive offices of California’s Silicon Valley but they have very definitely filtered their way down to ordinary offices across the world. Some of the earliest adopters of these new ideas have been the professional office creators. These serviced office providers have done their research and know exactly what it is that makes an office successful. And they are available for you and your company to take advantage of right now. So, if you want to hang on to your best staff, why not consider the benefits of a serviced office.

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