Beer, don't believe everything they say.

Posted by Daniela L.
Feb 28, 2013

There is a lot of mythology that surrounds beer. It’s perhaps not that surprising given that it’s been around for about seven thousand years. Of course, like a lot of mythology, most of what you hear or believe probably isn’t true. Stories get started and facts get confused and people end up talking a lot of nonsense. So, we thought that we’d try to straighten out a few facts about beer and maybe change your mind about a couple of things too. 

Firstly, there is a common belief that drinking too much beer will give you a beer belly or a beer gut (the clue is kind of in the name). But this isn’t necessarily true. Of course, it is true that beer contains calories. Everything you consume contains calories, that’s just how the body works. But there is nothing to say that any beer you drink is automatically converted into fat and stored in the gut. 

Beer bellies have as much to do with your personal metabolism and basic genetic structure as it does a beer. Some people can drink and drink and never put on a pound. Some others are not quite so lucky. There is an abdominal weight gain gene that some people have and some don’t. The chances of developing a ‘one pack’ are down to the genetic cards you were dealt and your general lifestyle. Drink beer in moderation, exercise and eat a healthy diet and you won’t put on the pounds. 

Another myth is that there’s no cure for a hangover. While we definitely encourage you to drink sensibly and in moderation we all have one too many every now and then and wake up feeling not at our best. Some people think the only thing to do is to ride it out. But there are things that will work. Drink water before going to bed and again as soon as you get up. Water will re-hydrate you and is definitely your friend. Part two of the cure is to have a bacon sandwich. That’s right, the carbs in the bread and protein in the bacon will produce amino acids that will make you feel better. Oh yes, and it will taste incredible too. And if you can get someone else to make it for you then that’s even better. 

Another great myth about beer is that is always best served cold. This is not necessarily true. While there are some times when only an ice cold beer will hit the spot, a little bit of warmth brings out the flavour. Those Brits with their warm beer might just be on to something.  

It’s also not true that ales are dark and lagers light and crisp. It all depends on the individual brewing process. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the colour of beer.

There are hundreds more myths and misconceptions about beer. We suggest you don’t think too much about it and just get on with enjoying the amazing flavour and taste.

If you'd like to start enjoying a good beer now and then come visit The Freo Doctor and chose the best!

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