Make Up Air Calgary

Posted by Kartik Sharma kanth
Nov 4, 2019

Make Up Air Calgary

Ahhhh... finally something worthwhile in my physical mailbox today.

If you are in business for yourself, you must constantly be on the lookout for hot marketing and great examples of well written sales copy.

Today, it happened.

In Calgary where I live there is a shameful shortage of well written marketing material. Business owners scared of actually doing something that gets results - and a minuscule number of people who actually understand the direct response business (sad for a city of a million people! - but also a good opportunity for helping them learn).

Imagine my surprise when I opened the perfect direct mail envelope (white #10 - return address without a name - looks very much like personal mail)... and it came from a furnace company!

Headline: 'Troy, Are You Thinking About Replacing Your Furnace?'

(hint: why can't you replace replacing your furnace with your business and send out the same headline to your prospects? Also note, my name was in the headline - very good way to improve your response)

Subhead: I'll buy you dinner at the Keg Just for Letting Me Give You A Quote - But Only If You're One Of The Next 20 People To Call...


A furnace company using direct response... wonderful to see.

So, what does Troy do?

Phones the owner of the company of course :o) !

And he is happy to share his results so far...

1,500 mailed - 25 bookings - already!

So, let's assume they get 50% of the bookings as signed contracts - 13 sales - the average furnace would bring in (I would guess) $1,000 profit.

If my math is correct - $13,000 profit on a mailing that cost $1,500 MAX... and the results will not be final for a few more days... AND... if they do it right they will send out the exact same letter to the same list and will see approx 50% response of the first mailing.

Then they do it again - and again - until it no longer makes them a profit.

Based on their initial response - I would expect them to get 25 furnace installs (or more) - at $1k each = $25,000 from a mailing that costs them $4,000 in the end.

How many times would you invest $4,000 to see a return of $25,000?

As many as possible I would hope.

So if this works for a furnace company - it WILL work for you. No excuses will be accepted.

And if it *will* work for your company - what's holding you back?

Get writing those sales letters.

To your sales writing success!

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