FreePBX Hosting in USA

Posted by Kartik Sharma kanth
Nov 4, 2019

Hosted PBXact in USA

QuickBooks Hosting is a term that involves two parties; first is the QuickBooks Professionals like CPA and Bookkeepers and second is the cloud computing technologies providers. In the early age, QuickBooks online was giving a solution to those professionals who wanted to run it from different locations while travelling mostly, but as it is not coming with all features, it could not fulfill the expectations of QuickBooks professionals. QuickBooks hosting was not very popular in starting, but as the cloud computing was getting so much of hits and publicity, the users started to try QuickBooks hosting practices with technology providers. Now a days, it would be hard to say that if someone is not aware of QuickBooks hosting practice. Thousands of CPA and Bookkeepers along with Tax professionals are running their QuickBooks and other applications with QuickBooks hosting providers. Putting critical data and information to third party service provider is always concerned but you can select service providers those have been given the certificate of SAS70 and SSAE for software hosting and cloud computing.

Prepare a checklist if you would like to host your QuickBooks:

1. Company credentials: QuickBooks hosting needs adequate knowledge and experience so if a company has like 2-4 years of experience in hosting practices, this will be a good sign to go ahead with that company.

2. Server Location: Because this is your data, it would be always better to keep your data in your country. There must be a solid proof to show that data being hosted in USA or Canada.

3. SAS70 or SSAE certification: You may see a lot of hosting providers if you go for a search on google or bing or yahoo. But you must get a valid proof if the service provider you chose is a SAS70 or SSAE certified.

4. Customer reference: If I am using IPhone, i must know all the pros and cons of this. You should believe that customer never lies. Ask your QuickBooks hosting provider to give a few references and then you can talk to them to know how they have been dealt by the hosting provider.

So, after choosing your perfect hosting provider, you can get multiple benefits of QuickBooks Hosting. You can make a comparison chart which can help you decide a reliable and most affordable service provider. The benefits are:

1. Cut your huge IT upfront cost: If you are setting up QuickBooks Hosting in your office, there will be a huge cost to manage IT staffs, backups, maintenance and security. So once you decided to go with QuickBooks hosting, you can save your upfront cost and a small price can give you all benefits.

2. Multi User Access System: Suppose you need to get access to your file from a client computer, or your client want to access the same file or your subordinate want to do the bookkeeping from his home, there are certain circumstances that demands QuickBooks application and data to be available all the time and they have access to the same file simultaneously. This is only possible with QuickBooks hosting. Moreover, you can start chat messenger within QuickBooks to guide or instruct one another in realtime.

3. Seamless access to other files and application: What if you are running QuickBooks, ATX, Drake, Microsoft Office on a single server and managing everything remotely just like you are working in a virtual office. You can export to an excel file, make a PDF of an invoice or attaching your logo to the QuickBooks invoice.

4. Universal Printing: You may have connected to your local printer, network printer, or PDF printer but if you get the facility to use all of your printers on remote server for QuickBooks, this would be one of the major benefits of QuickBooks Hosting. You can print any report, sheet, pay orders, invoices directly to your local printer.

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