Laravel Pros and Cons

Posted by Ronak Patel
Apr 7, 2021

The most popular PHP framework among developers accepting the Laravel Advantages and Disadvantages. 

Developers and business owners love this PHP framework for web development. They are aware of Laravel Pros and Cons, yet, the features and benefits that Laravel offers are unmatched by other PHP Frameworks. 

Wondering to consider Laravel for developing a high-responsive website packed with the latest features and functionalities? Build one with minimal budget and lowest development time with us. 

Learn about the comprehensive Laravel Pros and Cons to affirm your decision better. Before moving to Laravel Advantages and Disadvantages, briefly understand What Laravel is? 

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP web architecture following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) model. The framework was first launched in 2011, and the latest version is Laravel 5.4.

Now, let's deeply study the various Laravel Advantages and disadvantages separately.

What are the Advantages of Laravel?

Embracing the newest features of PHP: 

The best Laravel advantage is that it comes packed with all the latest and the best PHP features. For example, Namespaces, Shorter Array Syntax, Overloading, anonymous functions, and Interfaces. Using the new version of Laravel, software developers can now use the ZttpGuzzle Wrapper package.

Great documentation

The release of each Laravel version releases with proper documentation and description. The detailed documentation helps developers understand the classes and code types better. This makes Laravel developer-friendly. 

Integration with mail services

Another Laravel advantage is that it allows integration with mail services. Web applications must keep in touch with the users. Also, keep them updated on the new deals, discounts, and offers.

There is also a SwiftMailer API instead of SwiftMailer's library. It can also handle SMTP, SparkPost, Mailgun, Mandrill, PHP's “mail” function, Amazon SES, and “send email”.These help in sending the emails either through local or cloud-based services. 

Supports popular cache backend

Another Laravel advantage is cache backend support. It enables you to create and set up multiple cache configurations. The framework supports cache backend like Redis or Memcached.

Artisan Command-line

Writing repetitive programming codes can be quite daunting and time-consuming. The Artisan-command-line tool helps developers create a skeleton code. And also manage the database system successfully. 

With Artisan, generate the basic MVC files with their respective configurations and manage assets.

Packages and resource availability

Combine the framework with Elixir and Gulp to benefit from the npm packages and bower packages. These packages help in resource and asset revisions. Also, the integration with this composer resolves dependencies. Hence, the most reliable source in the PHP world.

Reduced development cycle

With faster integrations and wide community support, development time reduces considerably. Developers can access free and paid tutorials on Laracasts. 

IoC Container

IoC stands for Inversion of Control. It is a method to generate new objects with no need to bootstrap external libraries. You will be able to access these objects from where you are coding.

Reverse Routing

Another Laravel merit is reverse routing. With this feature, you can create links to named routes. Just use the router’s name to make a link, and the framework will put in the correct URL. Any changes in the routes will be made everywhere.

Eloquent ORM(Object-Relational Mapper)

It is one of the most beneficial features of Laravel. Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) feature creates a corresponding table for each model developers create in the MVC. The model has built-in relationships with the tables. If developers make any changes or additions to any single table, ORM manages the related tables too. 


ORM offers the following relations:

  • One-to-one,
  • One-to-Many,
  • Many-to-many,
  • polymorphic relationships,
  • many-to-many polymorphic relationships,
  • has-, many-, through.

This automates the management of data offering straightforward ActiveRecord execution with databases.

Queue management

Laravel enables developers to abstract the unnecessary tasks and get them queued with the abstraction process. This makes user response time much faster.

What are the Disadvantages of Laravel?

Less Inbuilt Support

Laravel is a lightweight framework. Thus, In terms of inbuilt support, it lags behind frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django. However, integration of third-party tools can resolve this demerit. Still, for custom websites requiring heavy memory, it can be quite daunting.

Problematic With Certain Upgrades

Updates may indeed problematic sometimes causing minor issues. This issue is with all PHP platforms alike. However, developers can rectify this problem with some more attention to updates and new versions. 

Quality is mixed at times

Laravel involves heavy documentation. Developers must have deep knowledge of developing applications. Further, the dependency injection feature also often becomes complex. 

New Framework comparatively

Laravel being new in the web app development world lacks maturity. Comparatively, other PHP frameworks like node and python have better performance. 

The Composer is not strong enough

The composer of Laravel is not as powerful as Ruby gems, npm (node.js), pip (for python), etc.

Lack of continuation between versions

No proper transition from Laravel 4 to 5 versions. The application code breaks if you try to update the code.


This was the detailed study of the Laravel Advantages and Disadvantages curated by our Laravel expert. Usually, Every PHP framework has its Pros and Cons, so does Laravel. Comparatively, Merits are more in number, making Laravel an apt choice for your next web development project. 

Planning to consider Laravel for your next big web project, get a free consultation from our technical expert. Hire Laravel developers having hands-on-Expertise in the Laravel framework with us. We are a trusted Laravel Development Company with years of industry experience. 

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