How Mobile App Solutions & IoT helps Automotive Industry

Posted by Ronak Patel
Jan 8, 2020

There are many opportunities implemented by IoT and vehicles; perhaps the main priority lies in the safety of humans. The best thing for which IoT should be glorified is providing comfort to the drivers in evading road accidents, and it also boosts up safe driving. 

Several companies have invested in smart infrastructures; IoT-powered vehicles play an essential role in guiding drivers in commuting safely. 

With the help of IoT road sensors, connected vehicles can identify if a driver is detouring off the road and will signal them to get back on the road. 

If a car is fully-autonomous, then the vehicle corrects the direction of the vehicle if there is no reaction from the driver. 

For example, if a driver gets into an icy road, then connected vehicles will contact with local sensors, fetch data of road condition, and hints drivers about the dangers & will advise them to slow down their vehicle.

In 2007, there was a break-down of the I-35W Mississippi bridge that arose in damage worth of hundreds of damage and 13 calamities. 

If we compare this in today's world, then IoT technology could have detected the failing structure of the bridge & have warned suitable authorities, avoiding damage and saving lives.

Improving the safety of a vehicle by IoT sensors

IoT helps in preventing congestion and traffic

One of the frustrating moments in someone's life is getting stuck in a traffic jam when you are late for your meeting/work. If planned accordingly, avoiding congestion can save the utilization of fuel and time, respectively.

IoT is helpful in this sector too. Mobile applications gathering data from traffic sensors can guess the time of arrival based on the traffic levels and give substitute routes to drivers who will chop down the time and worry of the excursion.

The Add-on benefit of managing traffic via IoT technology will diminish the accident of the vehicles and will support us in having greener city by reducing the pollution.

IoT improves control in a vehicle driving

Are you aware of Telematics? Well, they are IoT-powered cloud-connected boxes fixed on vehicles to offer better information like real-time data & insights about the habits of a driver and health or condition of a car. 

This device works by contacting a smart set of sensors that are fixed on different vehicle parts like tire, windows, engines, and from this, it will continuously audit the report of the vehicle. 

Further developed utilization of IoT and Telematics is to monitor maintenance issues that can compromise gain commuter safety, for example, low tire pressure, breaking down of motor, parts that need substitutions, and late administrations. 

With just a single tap and swipe on their phone, drivers can quickly get access to the full report of the vehicles. 

The best part about Telematics and on-board diagnostics is that they're regulated over the business and don't require precise seller integration, which means your mobile application and data based on earlier driving information can be relocated and ported when you switch vehicles.

Software Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Manufacturing Automation

Automate all your production machinery with automation to improve productivity

Real-Time Analytics

Gain full control of your automated process with real-time data collation and real-time analytics to improve decision-making

Sales Order Mobile App

Your sales personnel can request for specific vehicle delivery and get information on delivery time, dates and such


Manufacturers and distributors can get quotes, search for specific spare parts and track orders on the app

Vehicle Maintenance

Your customers can schedule vehicle maintenance, schedule pick-up, and drop service, provide feedback and reviews, get invoices and make payments via the app.

Logistics and Transportation

Monitor transport vehicle location and automate a paperless consignment process, while reducing logistics costs.

At the same time, businesses also have many reasons to invest in the automotive industry:

Monetization and demand: 

While most apps on the AppStore are free or come at the cost of 99 cents, automotive apps are usually priced higher. This allows businesses to monetize their products easily.

Third-party integrations and partnerships: 

It is another revenue channel for automotive app developers. By selling access to your API to other businesses, you can achieve higher ROI. You can even develop partnerships directly with car manufacturers so your devices will come pre-installed in all vehicles.

Collecting and using data: 

As with any IoT device, automotive products allow you to tap vast amounts of user and vehicle data. With it, you can source valuable insights and tailor your product accordingly. 

The data can also be provided to third-party businesses operating in related domains: insurers, repair shops, roadside assistance providers, etc.

The first-mover advantage:

It is one more reason to enter this market right now. Both existing automotive businesses and users are eager to see more innovations in this sphere, so the barrier for entry is relatively low at the moment.

Build It FAST

Visually build your mobile app with 10x speed with required templates and modules.

Great UI by default

Offer native-like mobile app experience and responsiveness to your customers

Integrate With all systems

Connect the app to any current system at the click of a button, effortlessly!

Operate on all platforms

Install perfect apps across the cloud or on-premise, on iOS, Android and Windows, smoothly!


We help you stay ahead of run-of-the-mill automotive solutions by our excellent solutions. We work to enhance the customer experience and make a better customer journey by offering feature-rich solutions. Get in touch with us to stay ahead of your competitors today.



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