Know what it takes to develop an amazing app just like Uber

Posted by Felica Carroll
Feb 11, 2017
Nowadays numerous apps are available for almost everything you want on-demand. It can be anything, such as a food delivery, hire a ride, have a soothing massage, get a package delivered, or even to get a person to help you building bookshelves, etc. All these, on demand apps act as a spontaneous gateway to receive various kind of services. In the similar way, you can build your own Uber Like App For On-Demand business that you own or manage, so that it will allow your customers to avail service from you at ease.

Indisputably, the on-demand service is a million dollars business. Hence, numerous start-ups have indulged in merely copying the Uber model and developed an App for Uber X, for various kinds of services. But to have a highly competent app for yourself, there are a few things to look after and take care of.

Why on-demand apps are in such a rage

The entire idea of on-demand apps, possess the built-in convenience of mobility, so it’s evident why the on-demand mobile apps has taken the global center stage. Moreover many businesses, which were striving a lot to function, turned out to be very successful, after they launched and publicized their services through apps, and subsequently acquired investors, who placed their high bets on their growth.

On-demand apps for different products and services

Hence, once you’ve made-up your mind to develop a cloned app for your venture and after coming to know that there are various Uber like app for On-Demand businesses, the next big task would be to decide, which one to choose amongst the hundreds of clones out there. So continue reading to have an idea as there are all sorts of useful and interesting considerations that lets your customers to directly place an order for any on-demand service.

How is your  business model similar and different from Uber?

App for Uber X can be the best-illustrated platform that is looking forward to delivering a product or to provide a service on-demand, by aggregating the demand online and serviced offline. However, there are so many variations that could rise-up during the time of analyzing different implementations, in this particular field.

Points to remember while creating an App like Uber

Obviously, most of the entrepreneurs will love to render their business model to be a unique one, which has some stark differences from that of Uber. These thoughts have a direct impact, on how you deal with decisions you make, which are related to identity, scheduling, payment, matching, etc. Moreover, the cost it takes to design the product is even associated with this, while defining its Minimal Viable Product.

Evaluation of on-demand platform

While we are discussing an app, which is similar to that of Uber, it is necessary to keep the general evolutionary framework associated with all the start-ups. It is a fact that all business apps like or unlike Uber, indeed have to go through the four steps mentioned below. But unfortunately, most on-demand platforms are associated with network effects/playback evolution, etc. Hence, for a clear understanding, these stages are much more vital.

  • Discovery
  • Validation
  • Efficiency
  • Scaling

The initial hurdle is to get a functioning product that relies on core interaction. And once it is launched, then starts the race towards achieving familiarity in the market fit, which might span multiple sprints. Once the product has realized a fit in the market, the next hurdle is getting the unit economics into a good state by constantly improving the cohort data. This phase usually requires a lot of focus on analytics.

Total cost of developing an on-demand app like Uber
The above discussion has made it clear that the cost of developing an app like Uber depends on numerous factors. Building an MVP for an on-demand platform involves the development of web/mobile interfaces and functionalities for both supply and demand. Furthermore the customizable features allow you to build an app for both iOS and Android devices. If you find it difficult to control some of the crucial operations, don’t be anxious just use its center or admin panel component that actually acts as a dashboard.

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