Posted by Felica Carroll
Dec 6, 2016

I am very conscious about how much time is used needlessly. The time that I could be doing something constructive, I am busy doing something else. While traveling to work, I tend to go through my notes in readiness to prepare for my interview for the day. Even while watching television, I try and sort out the sewing or chop vegetables so that I can do both.

However, one place where I absolutely have nothing to do is when I take my car for a wash. It is so annoying that I sit in the car, while the car washer cleans my car. It is even more frustrating when I actually have to leave my car at the washers – because that means I am not mobile whilst they are cleaning it.


I was lamenting to my friend one day about how I so needed to take my car for a wash but also needed to get the weekly shopping done. Just as well, I spoke to her because she introduced me to a new way of getting my car washed using the Uber Android App for Car Wash.


You must be wondering how it works – I thought about it too but when Jane, my friend finished explaining how it worked, everything fell into place in my mind.  If you are someone like me, then this is an ideal solution for you, an on demand cash wash.

All you need to do it tap on the Uber Android App for Car Wash, input the details of your car, time and date for the clean,  what sort of cleaning you want, whether it is just a normal clean, or a shampoo etc. and the location where your car will be parked.  Once you complete those details, you will be able to see all the car washers in the vicinity and you can pick one for your car services.  They will then come and clean your car at the designated time, leaving it brand new.

I am so glad I spoke to my friend because of guess when I get my car cleaned. Whenever I have a big shop, I get it cleaned in the supermarket car park whilst I do my cleaning. Alternatively, when I go for my regular wash, cut, and blow-dry, my car is also having its own wash outside the beauty salon. Sometimes I get to clean it in my office car park. Why not? After all, I get it cleaned without investing my valuable time in the process.

I have left the best, for the last. You don’t have to come out running from wherever you are to make the payment because it is automatically deducted from your credit or debit card.

All you need to so is a tap on the app, and select your car washer and leave it to them to do what they are obviously very good at – cleaning your car off course!

Try it – it’s absolutely brilliant!

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