Importance of Tawaf, Ihram, Safa and Marwa, and Talal-ul
Hajj and Umrah, both are the Islamic pilgrimages for Muslims. Muslims from all across the globe travel to the holy city of Makkah through umrah packages for Muslims for the performance of the holy rituals of Umrah. On the other hand, Hajj is obligatory as well as an annual pilgrimage; performed during 8th to 13th of Dhul Hijjah. With the annual number of pilgrims averaging between 19-20 million, it becomes essential for every Muslim to educate itself on the rituals of Hajj and Umrah.
Here’s the importance of Ihram, Tawaf, Safah and Marwah, and Talal-ul.
The concept of Ihram is that it’s a state a Muslim must undertake for the performance of Hajj or even lesser pilgrimage. It means abiding by the rules of Ihram and considering its prohibitions. Usually, Ihram is specific clothing that every pilgrim has to wear before offering the holy ritual of Major and minor pilgrimage. If a person breaks any of the rules, a penalty is due. In some cases, even the pilgrimage can become invalid.
For Men.
For Men, Ihram is 2 simple, white pieces of cloths. ‘Izar’ for covering the lower part of the body while ‘Rida’ for covering the upper half.
For Women.
For Women, ihram is their regular clothing. It means women can wear anything that is modest, simple and in accordance with Islamic teachings; it can be regarded as their Ihram.
1. Clipping of nails of fingers and toes.
2. Trimming of Hair, Moustache.
3. Shaving unnecessary hair from the body.
4. Ghusl/Wudhu.
1. Hunting/Killing of animals, even a louse.
2. Intimacy with the spouse.
3. Wearing fragrance of any sort.
4. Abusing/quarrelling with somebody.
5. Trimming of nails or hair from the body.
6. Self-beautification.
In addition, there are also some prohibitions specific to men and women.
Tawaf is circumambulation/walking around the Holy Kaabah for 7 circuits. Every circuit begins and ends at the position of the Black Stone (Hajar-e-Aswad). It’s one of the primary, necessary and vital rituals of pilgrimage. It’s the ultimate portrayal of Muslim unity, brotherhood and their devotion to Allah Almighty.
Sayee; Safah and Marwah.
Sayee is another essential ritual of Umrah and Hajj. It means running/walking across the hills of Safah and Marwah for 7 times. In such a way that the seventh-round ends at the hill of Marwah. It’s the remembrance of the great event of Islamic history; when Bibi Hajra ran on these hills in search of water for her son Ismail (AS).
Ending the state of Ihram is known as Talal-ul. It gets performed when all the rituals of Umrah/Hajj get completed. After this, the pilgrim is liberated from the prohibitions of Ihram. For example, wearing fragrance, self-beautification, wearing sewn/ordinary clothes, and other things.
If you are travelling for a minor pilgrimage through umrah in Ramadan packages, you must know the importance of these necessary rituals.
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