How to Resolve Fix Mouse Disappearance Issues in Chrome

Posted by Way Binary
Oct 26, 2020

We all know that Google Chrome is the most used and most loved web browser in the world. Even if you account for all operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and other, Chrome leads by quite a margin.

mouse cursor disappears

However, it is not at all bug-free; you will discover many bugs in the browser at times. It can be annoying at times, and you aren’t able to do anything. The cursor disappearance issue is one of the most problematic for the public. It is a mysterious issue that can be solved by tweaking a few settings. When the mouse pointer disappears, Windows 10, here is what you need to do.

Fix Cursor Disappears Issue

·        You can try to open Chrome in incognito mode and see if the problem persists.

·        If so, then update the browser to the latest version and also your windows 10.

·        You can check for the update by entering the Chrome://version in the new tab. This page will show you the version of your browser.

·        Now, you should go to Chrome://settings and then click on the Show Advanced Settings option.

·        Then, uncheck ‘Use Hardware Acceleration when available’ option.

This should solve your problem temporarily, but you need a permanent solution. You should restart the system when the cursor disappears in Chrome. The problem should be resolved when you restart the system.

And most importantly, this is a temporary error in Chrome, and Google will offer a fix soon. They keep updating the system and make the user experience better and better every time. 

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