How to Get the Best Results from Liposuction

Posted by Dr.Lionel Jedeikin
Jun 8, 2021

Liposuction in Cape Town is a procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body. It targets areas of stubborn fat that a patient is unable to lose through exercise and a healthy diet. Liposuction only removes unwanted fat and is not able to eliminate cellulite or tighten excess skin on the body. The results of liposuction will leave most patients feeling incredibly happy with their improved physique, but it is important to be prepared for the recovery process to get the best results possible. 

The truth behind liposuction is that the fat that has been surgically removed will leave permanent results, but you most definitely can still gain weight and the remaining fat cells may get bigger, which would undo all of your efforts in removing the stubborn fat in a certain area of your body. To truly reap the rewards of liposuction, patient’s must maintain a continuously healthy and active lifestyle to ensure that the fat removed during the procedure does not return or migrate to other areas. Liposuction is usually centred around removing diet-resistant fat, however, this does not mean that following the procedure you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight. To see the best results, we urge patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle both leading up to the surgery as well as post-op. A healthy diet will help you avoid having the remaining fat cells enlarge after liposuction


Along with a healthy diet, one must exercise regularly as this will aid in the tone of your muscles, improving your physique and appearance in conjunction with the results from liposuction. Exercising also burns fat which will keep existing fat cells from growing and avoid new fat cells growing in other areas. However, for up to the first 4 weeks post-op you should avoid any strenuous activity as your body needs time to heal but light and moderate exercise will benefit your recovery. This light form of exercise will help you ease back into your normal routine, and with the benefits of there being less fat on your body due to the procedure, the effects of exercising will show better than before. This naturally boosts confidence and will help you uphold a healthy routine throughout your recovery and continue once you are fully healed. 


Wearing a compression garment that the surgeon recommends is one of the most crucial tips to see the best results from liposuction in Cape Town. The body will fill the area treated with fluid to heal, which will result in some swelling and potential bruising. Wearing a compression garment will provide faster and more beneficial recovery, as it will aid in reducing the amount of swelling and bruising experienced after the procedure. The compression garment will also alleviate some pain and help achieve the desired shape of the body, so it is recommended to wear the garment for up to 6 weeks post-op depending on the amount of fat removed, intensity of the swelling, and the area of treatment. 


Although there is not a standard healing process that applies to all patients, the results of liposuction are usually a toned and well-shaped physique for those who uphold a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with the effects of liposuction in Cape Town. It is a procedure that can truly change the lives of many who have felt discredited after years of hard work to lose stubborn fat with no sign of success. However, to truly see the best results possible you must listen to the guidance and tips that your surgeon will give you leading up to the procedure, and remember that time heals all wounds, so rest and recuperate in your recovery and do not rush the process.  


If you would like to book a consultation with us at Dr.Lionel Jedeikin, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, please do not hesitate to call us to arrange a time. To learn more about the recovery process for liposuction in Cape Town, please have a read through our website at Plastic Surgery SA.

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