Facts to Know About Eyelid Surgery

Posted by Dr.Lionel Jedeikin
May 18, 2021

As we age, our eyelids are often the first to show the effects, as they begin to droop and get puffier, which results in the look offatigue and a less vibrant appearance. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) in Cape Town is the right procedure for you, if you wish to restore a youthful and radiant appearance, which is achieved by removing the excess skin from the eyes to open up the face.

Excess skin on the upper eyelids can cause vision problems, creating difficulty in everyday life, therefore not all eyelid surgery is for cosmetic purpose making it even more popular as it is beneficial for vision as well as appearance.

Although eyelid surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures (always within the top five procedures performed annually), there are a lot of facts about blepharoplasty that go unknown by the public as well as those wanting to move forward with the procedure. Below we will discuss facts to know about eyelid surgery, that is relevant if you’re wanting an eyelift in Cape Town.

  • The ideal candidate for eyelid surgery is someone who is in line with some of the following; puffy upper eyelids, tired looking eyes, excess upper eyelid skin and who is in good physical and mental health.
  •  Eyelid surgery can be done under local anaesthetic with intra-venous sedation and does not require general, but can be used depending on the patient’s needs and goals.
  •  Many patients opt for combining upper and lower blepharoplasty in one procedure, which gives the eye a total restored youthful and radiant appearance.
  • There is minimal downtime associated with eyelid surgery, with most patients being able to return to work after a week or so of recovery at home. However, patients must avoid activities involving the eyes, such as reading, for at least 2-3 days after the surgery.
  • Patients will be admitted to hospital, however, only as a day case meaning you can return home the same day as the procedure. You will not be able to drive following the procedure, so arrangements should be made to have someone drive you home.
  • Scarring is minimal and barely visible once healed. As the surgeon will make the incision within the upper eyelid fold, the final scar will rest within the natural crease. The incisions within the lower eyelid will be made just below the eyelashes and extends into the crow’s feet, also making the scars less visible. Initially the scars will be red, however, overtime they will fade, and use of tissue oil should be regularly applied after 10 days post-op.
  • There will be minimal pain associated with the procedure, with slight swelling and bruising and you will experience sensitivity to light and potentially excessive tearing. Overall the recovery process may result in slight discomfort for up to 10 days post-op, however, the pain felt will be minimal and can be subsided with pain medication prescribed by the surgeon.

Eyelid Surgery in Cape Town is becoming increasingly popular as the results speak for themselves. The procedure gives a drastic change to the face and many have seen how it improves self-confidence, whilst providing a youthful and radiant appearance. Are you considering an eyelift to feel younger and fresher? Please contact us for more information or to book a consultation for eyelid surgery in Cape Town. 

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