How to Get Him to Commit Without Going Out of Your Way? Here're your 5 Secrets

Posted by Cupid Tools
Nov 24, 2015
All women will agree that getting a guy to come to a date, to get you to bed or drop by the apartment for dinner are some of the easiest things that they have to do. Actually, in most instances, it is the guy that will actually initiate these situations. If only it was as easy to get him to commit. This is practically the hardest thing to get from a guy and as your age advances the time and flexibility that you can allow him to make up his mind and commit dwindles. So, what is the easiest way to get him to commit? Good thing there are a few of them actually.

How to Get Him to Commit Without Going Out of Your Way:

1/ Do not give him an ultimatum.

This might be quite tempting. After all, you do not think that he has any other choice that is better than you. However, men hate being cornered and chances are he might flee if he feels the least bit of pressure or you breathing down his neck waiting for him to make up his mind. The best thing that you will achieve from giving your man an ultimatum is help to associate the commitment with pain and stress. His option would be to revere the freedom he enjoyed when he was single and from there, it’s downhill for you. Read more: Revealed: Why Men Pull Away – Here’re 7 Reasons

2/ Let him see that you are the right fit.

Women will say that each man looks for a unique woman. Well, this is true but only to a certain degree as the rudimentary is virtually the same. Every man wants a woman that is good at housekeeping, a woman that is principled and responsible and one that can be faithful. The sooner that you are able to prove to him that you are all these and more, the higher the chances there are that he will commit sooner than you expect.

3/ Be yourself.

Here is the greatest mistake that most women make and perhaps the one that is keeping him from committing. When dating, most women will try to conceal their likes and particularly dislikes. Any man and even woman needs to fully understand what they are getting themselves into. If you snore, and he knows and proposes, that means that he is willing to live with that. However, if he commits to only find out that you snore at night, he will be leaving the house in the middle of the night. The sooner he can learn everything there is to learn about you, the sooner he can commit. Here are 5 qualities that men look for in women and Great Body Language Signs that are Bound to Get You any Guy (you should know)

4/ Don’t go all out before he commits.

Why does he have to commit if he is getting all the benefits before he makes the move? By going all out, you allow him to get into a comfort zone which delays and even throws out any chances of a commitment out the window. He has to earn his place in your life and seeing that you are a seasoned woman, he knows what he has to do for this. Not only does this apply in sexual terms, it also applies to the amount of time that you give him and to the extent that you reach to be offer your help. You should not be there at his convenience. If he knows he can get a lot more by committing, then he will pull all the stops to do exactly that.

5/ Get him to relate commitment with pleasure.

It is okay to get spiteful as he delays committing and especially considering that time and age might be quickly catching up and you do not have the time to fool around. However, this only serves to push him further. A smart way to go around this is to ensure that when you’re together, he has a blast. Make him wish he could spend more time with you. You will notice that every time he wants to spend more time with you and this is an extension of his commitments in bits. As the commitment increases, turn the fun knobs further.

Usually getting a guy to commit even though among the hardest thing is the greatest step that any relationship can have. It is important to remember that while dating, you should not be exclusive with the guy or move in with him before he commits. Even if he asks, respectfully decline. The last thing you want is to make him think that you are too invested in him. If he knows he can lose you at any time, he will want to anchor you. And that is done through a commitment. That shouldn’t be too hard now should it? 
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