How to Find an Emergency Dentist in Apopka?

Posted by Global Learning
Jun 18, 2024

There are many dental issues that can be considered a dental emergency. These may include severe pain, bleeding gums, or an abscessed tooth. In these cases, it is important to seek immediate care from an urgent dental clinic.

The best way to prevent these emergencies is by following proper oral hygiene habits.

Tooth Pain

If you brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day and limit sugary foods, you should take good care of your oral health. However, even if you practice exemplary dental hygiene habits, you may experience tooth pain from time to time.

emergency dentist apopka

Severe pain that lasts more than two days is a sign that you need to see an emergency dentist. The dentist will perform tests to diagnose the cause of your tooth pain.

Tooth injuries are the most common reason for an emergency dentist Apopka visit. A fractured or chipped tooth can be extremely painful. You should call your dentist right away to schedule an appointment and discuss treatment options. In addition, a knocked out tooth requires immediate attention. If possible, retrieve the tooth and place it in milk until you can see the emergency dentist.

Gum Damage

There are many things that can lead to gum disease, including a lack of proper brushing and flossing, autoimmune diseases, certain bacterial infections and vitamin C deficiency. Symptoms of gum disease include red, swollen and tender gums that bleed when touched. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and serious health problems.

Gums can be treated by a variety of methods, including gum flap surgery and antibiotic-containing gels that are placed in gum pockets to kill bacteria. In severe cases, a dentist may need to remove tissue from the palate and place it in the gum pocket to repair damage.

A knocked out tooth can be replanted but there is a limited window of opportunity. It is important to handle it carefully, store it in milk and get to the emergency dentist as quickly as possible.

Root Canal

The root canal treatment is one of the most common dental treatments in the world. It can help prevent tooth pain and repair damage caused by infection or trauma to the root of a tooth. It also reduces the risk of tooth loss and the need for dental bridges or implants.

The tooth pulp is a soft tissue inside the center of your teeth, containing blood vessels and nerves. If the pulp becomes infected or damaged, it can lead to severe pain and loss of the tooth. Infection of the pulp may be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks or chips, and certain dental procedures.

During a root canal procedure, a dentist will administer numbing medication to the area around the tooth. Then, a rubber sheet called a “dam” will be placed over the affected tooth to keep it dry and free from saliva during the treatment.

Broken Dentures

When a denture breaks, it can cause serious pain in the mouth and affect normal eating. It can also be embarrassing and can lead to a bad impression on social occasions. It is important to seek a dental professional right away to repair the damage. You can find a dentist who offers emergency services at many clinics.

The most common cause of a broken denture is wear and tear over time. The stress of chewing, temperature variations from hot and cold foods, acid in some food, moisture in the mouth, bone loss and more can wear out the false teeth over time. This can cause new pressure points and stress on the denture, which could break it. Using super glue to temporarily fix the denture can help until you see a prosthodontist for a permanent repair.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are usually a sign of an underlying dental problem. Most often, bleeding gums are a result of the buildup of bacteria on your teeth that cause inflammation in the gums. This is known as gingivitis, and if left untreated can lead to periodontitis. Other causes of bleeding gums include grinding your teeth while sleeping or playing sports, hormonal changes such as those occurring during pregnancy, puberty and menopause, and trauma to the mouth.

If you experience any of the above issues, it is important to contact an emergency dentist in Apopka immediately. They will be able to provide treatment that can help to prevent further complications. They also have the ability to treat any pain that you may be experiencing. They will perform a thorough examination and can take x-rays if necessary.

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