How to Find a Job Using Twitter

Posted by Phillip Presley
Nov 14, 2013

Thinking about using social media to find a job? In this case, LinkedIn is probably the first platform that comes to mind. However, Twitter also proves to be an invaluable tool for job seekers. Read on to find out why.

In the age of social media, you have numerous new ways of finding the perfect job. Although platforms like LinkedIn seem more relevant, Twitter can also be a useful tool for job seekers. The micro-blogging service allows people to build a strong personal brand and connect directly with other professionals or companies.

While job seekers are increasingly using social networks to look for work, you have to make sure you take full advantage of the benefits Twitter offers. Our tips will help you start an effective search for the perfect job.

Brush up your profile

Your profile is like a business card. Make sure to pick an appropriate picture and write a suitable bio. It’s not a bad idea to include a link to your LinkedIn profile there as well. Make your account information as specific and professional as possible. Don’t make your tweets private – employers are less likely to engage with you if you aren’t sharing content openly.

Personal branding

Create content that is relevant for your chosen field. Tweet interesting articles, papers, observations that other professionals would find intriguing and captivating. Share amusing details from your current job search, showcase any unusual hobbies you might have and share some personal details about your life, without going overboard. If you’re looking for a job at a company who values quirkiness, do your best to celebrate the parts of your personality that set you apart from everyone else. If you’re looking for a job as an accountant, keep a professional tone, even while tweeting. 

Follow relevant people and companies

Twitter’s main advantage is that it allows you to connect directly with recruiters or big companies you someday dream to work for. Follow industry experts and companies in order to get an overview of corporate announcements and company news. Start following employees that currently work there. This way, you can get the inside scoop, especially if the employee often tweets about his or her work.


Make the best use of hashtags in order to find and participate in discussions related to your field. Reply with interesting additions to an industry expert’s tweet or ask intelligent questions. Retweet fresh content relevant for your followers.  Use event-based hashtags when attending a conference, course or presentation.


Use TwitJobSearch and the advanced search feature to look for jobs in your area. Also follow hashtags like #jobs, #recruiting, #jobsearch.


Contact relevant people in your field via direct message or reply and introduce yourself. Let them know you are looking for a job and send them a link to your resume and any employment skills tests you might have taken. This may be the toughest tip to follow, since it requires a lot of confidence. Don’t be impolite and don’t spam the person. Try to connect naturally, by talking about their careers and what impressed you the most. Perhaps you’ve recently seen a presentation they held? This would be a good starting point.

If used correctly, Twitter is a useful tool to enhance your job search. It’s also a fun way to interact with other professionals and stay fully immersed in the field you’re hoping to snag a job in. 

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