How To Cure Your PCOS With Health And Dietary Supplement?

Posted by Edward Lucas
Apr 9, 2020

Polycystic ovary syndrome commonly known as the PCOS is one of the most common ovarian conditions in women of reproductive age. Those who suffer from the PCOS face the following symptoms; Pain, Irregular period, Acne, Weight gain, and Thinning hair. Although the underlying causes of PCOS are yet to be discovered insulin resistance, and hormone regulation is one of the contributing factors in PCOS.

With the right dosage of health and dietary supplement, you may be able to manage these factors and decrease the symptoms of PCOS. How? If you take a closer look, you may find that all of these dietary and health supplements really have good scientific data in their favor, and sometimes it can be far more effective than many people think.

The supplements Women take to treat their symptoms of PCOS can make the whole difference; either they can end up wasting their money or they find a genuine treatment that can take away the years of suffering. The Healthy Naturals has come up this post to help women to beat this treatable disorder with the science of supplement:

Determining Nutrients That Your Body Needs to Fight PCOS

The primary reason why most of the women with PCOS take interest in the dietary and health supplement. First- they want a natural remedy for their condition and second; they are highly concerned about the nutrient deficiency in their bodies. In the below list, readers will find the supplements that can have significant effects on the PCOS condition:

  • Zinc

Zinc is one of the crucial nutrients our body needs for survival. Rich in antioxidants, and enzyme regulating properties, the supplement can help with the symptoms of PCOS such as acne, weight gain, delay ovulation, insulin sensitivity and glucose level in the body.

Although zinc might be an unusual choice for the PCOS, the scientists have found that if your zinc plasma level is less than 70 μg/L, then you should consider taking the zinc acetate, zinc sulfate, zinc citrate, zinc gluconate, or zinc monomethionine. The Zinc help to fight back depression that is the underlying cause of PCOS. 

  • Turmeric curcumin

Curcumin is the key component of turmeric that has gained popularity due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and anti-depression properties. It is very rare that scientists support the claims regarding metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular and mental illnesses.

The fact that curcumin supplements can help to fight back the chronic inflammation that triggers several symptoms like weight gain, heart disease risks, acne, etc. If you ask your grandma, she will tell you that turmeric can help you to live up to 100. However, it is challenging your body to take advantage of its benefits before digesting it properly. Hence, it is recommended to take it in the form of Turmeric Curcumin supplement.

  • Fish oil

When people talk about the “fish oil” what they mean is the concentrated supplement that contains the Omega-3 fish oil and fatty acids- EPA and DHA. These are the healthy fats our body needs to function properly.

The main reason why fish oil is recommended for the PCOS is that there is a lot of research that backed up the fact EPA and DHA fight back the depression and fulfill DHA deficiency. If you are suffering from the PCOS then, there are chances that you are more likely to suffer from DHA deficiency. This can be an issue because similar to other nutrients, DHA is one of the essential nutrients our body needs to function. So, if you don’t eat seafood, then Omega-3 Fish Oil can be an ideal supplement to fulfill the deficiency of EPA and DHA.

  • Saffron

Yes, saffron which is the world’s most expensive food spice is turned out to be the most [powerful natural option to treat the depression- the key symptom of PCOS. Recent studies have shown that using saffron can reduce the inflammation and metabolism health risks that Women with PCOS go through with. 

Although the above supplements can help you to treat the symptoms of PCOS there are more bows and arrows, and it depends on how you use them. Similar to other supplements, it is recommended to consult with your physicians to know if these supplements can help with your condition. For further inquiry regarding the supplement, feel free to consult with the professionals at Healthy Naturals.

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