How To Boost Your IELTS Listening Score?

Posted by Ishita Trivedi
Jan 23, 2021
In the IELTS Listening test, the candidate is required to listen to the audios and answer based on it. The Listening part of the test is divided into 4 parts which include one word, blanks, and matching item based questions. It is no surprise that in exams like IELTS practice is the key. According to an immigration consultant for Canada, regular listening practices and taking sample exercises help in improving your score to a great extent. Also, it is important to consider grammar and vocabulary parts during practice so that you don’t leave any stone unturned in the preparation process.

IELTS Listening Test

IELTS Listening test has a total of 40 questions; 10 questions in each of the four parts. Each part of the listening test is conducted on different web pages and the candidate has to move to the next after completion of each part. The different parts of the test involve recited paragraphs or conversations to which the candidate has to listen carefully, including the minute details present, which may be later asked as matching questions or blanks.

The duration of the test is 30 minutes and additional 10 minutes will be provided for writing down answers in a separate sheet. 

How to Ace IELTS Listening Test?

It is not difficult to ace the IELTS Listening test and get a perfect score. However, you have to master the listening part through rigorous practice. Here are a few things suggested by a leading institute for IELTS coaching in Ahmedabad that will help you polish your listening skills and improve your score.

Regular English Listening Practice

Getting acquainted with the fluent and natural usage of the English language is very important to score well in the Listening part. The best way to do this is to practice listening samples exercises, random podcasts, Ted Talks, YT Videos, and movies so that you could gain a prompt and better understanding of the audios being played during the test. This will also help you identify words from different English accents with ease.

Have fun during preparation

The more you enjoy preparing and listening to different audios the better are your chances of excelling. Make it a habit during your preparation days to listen to audios while travelling, in your free time, while doing your daily tasks or whenever it is convenient to you. Listen to what you enjoy, pick your favourite genre so that you could achieve better interest while listening. 

Practice strategically

The test consists of different sections. So, it is wise to prepare a strategy while practicing. Repeated exercises will not boost your score. For a good score, culminate listening practice strategically with grammar, accent knowledge, vocabulary, and active participation.

Reflect on errors

Noting and reflecting on your errors gives you the upper hand while preparing for the test. It is important to notice your weak points and work on them to optimise the learning process. To achieve this, you can note down the words that are misheard, mispronounced, or misspelled. This way you could surely make some progress. 

Practice more and stay vigilant while preparing for the test. We hope this post was helpful. Wishing you all the luck for preparation and for the test. 
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