How Dangerous Is The Sting Of A Wasp?

Posted by Amelia White
Aug 5, 2016
Wasps are among the most dangerous and terrifying pests in Melbourne. However, they generally sting only if disturbed, or in an attempt to protect their territory. Since these winged insects belong to the hymenoptera order (same as ants and bees), their defensive weapon is called the Hymenoptera sting.

The sting of a wasp is typically poisonous as it injects a certain venom capable of triggering various allergic as well as non-allergic reactions. When a person is stung by one of these pests, the affected part of the skin swells up and turns red. At times, a bacterial infection may also occur in the same region. The victim experiences itching and burning sensation in the swollen area as well.

In people having an immune system that is highly allergic or sensitive to wasp venom, a sting can trigger mild to severe allergic reactions. If prompt medical attention is not provided, it may cause some serious medical problems, or even lead to death in rare cases.

Allergic reaction due to a wasp’s sting usually starts kicking in after about an hour. Some of the common symptoms are vomiting, a swollen throat, hives, nausea, low blood pressure and faintness, which can cause the victim to go into an anaphylactic shock. In case a person has been stung by several wasps at once or a multiple times by a single one, he or she must be immediately rushed to the nearest hospital.

For those who are not allergic to the sting of wasps, reactions are usually minor. Multiple stings, however, can cause medical issues like muscle breakdown, kidney failure, etc. If someone has been stung in their throat or mouth, they can suffer from asphyxiation, which is characterised by an obstructed airway and difficulty in breathing.

Thus, it is evident from the above mentioned facts that wasps are very harmful pests and can even claim lives. Therefore, it is extremely important to exercise suitable measures for keeping them at bay. In case of severe infestations, prompt assistance should be sought from professionals dealing with wasp control in Melbourne. And if somebody has been stung by one, they must be addressed with some basic first aid before proper medical help can arrive. First, the affected region should be washed using water & soap, followed by application of an antibiotic cream or ointment. In case there are no allergic reactions, rubbing ice over the swollen area can reduce itching as well as swelling.
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