How Can Cannon Guns Clear Away Large Tracts of Land from Pests?

Mar 29, 2017
Having birds around can be a beautiful thing but when they turn pests and cause damage to the property (house, farm or vehicles); it can be frustrating to handle their havoc. When you encounter such problem, it is better to consider cost-effectiveness, environmental hazard and follow the three steps of persistence, flexibility and observation.

Imagine the woodpecker taking a liking to your old wooden cottage or hitting the garden trees just for fun. When you’re back from a holiday and are welcomed by newly born pigeons and the attic covered by pigeon nest it makes all the holiday vibes vanish.

Bird Scarring Devices

There are different tools for bird control, and it is well-known that owners spend a portion of the money for restoring/cleaning the damage done by this havoc creating creatures.

Cannon Gun

In recent times, cannon guns are becoming popular as a bird banger. This device effectively wards off not only pigeons but also parrots and other animals such as wild boar, bears, pigs, deer and monkeys.

Locations to use the Device:

This device is considered as a breakthrough in pest control as it can protect large tracts of land such as farmlands, agricultural land, orchards, airports, industrial as well as commercial premises. The other areas the device can be used are in airports, airfields, runways and hangars during landings and flights; farm produce areas such as fish farms, ponds and poultry farms, prevent bears from destroying beehives, corn and sunflower fields, electrical substations, warehouses, industrial premises, depots, etc.


It has an LPG cylinder and contains butane or propane. The decibels produced are of 120 to 125 and the best part; the environment does not suffer any hazards.

Area Range

It has been proved that one cannon gun can protect a range of 40,000 square feet, but it can vary according to the topography and shape of the area. A tripod stands with a height of four feet and having a rotation of 60 degrees gives a loud explosion when operated.

Time Range

The difference in time from one blast to the next can be from 30 seconds to twenty minutes. Since the device is automatic, you can pre-set the time for the blasts, and in addition, you also get a gas pressure regulator.

Since used mostly in the outside environment, it can be set-up in any topography. The weatherproof exterior allows the gun to be used in all weather conditions.


Seldom does the cannon gunsuffer repair and you do not have to be an expert to set-up the device. There are farmers who have used this device effectively to fend off any form of wildlife pest or bird pests from their farm lands, vegetable or fruit gardens. The spread of diseases (health hazards) which are the result of bird dropping in an area is prevented.


Using these bird scarring devices is the best option considered to bring down the mess created by birds. However, knowing about the device and its perfect use is an essential part.
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