How a daily routine according to Islam can help you become a better Muslim?
Islam isn’t just a religion of peace and love; it’s a complete way of life. Allah Almighty has mentioned each and everything in the Holy Quran. From the start of human life to is death; all the life rules are revealed. It includes lessons, the difference of halal and haram, ways to spend life, financial and political education, Science and Technological Knowledge, Space sciences, Matters of Personal lives – every piece of knowledge present in the world is extracted from the Holy Quran. In short, Allah Almighty told us everything for spending our lives theoretically and for our assistance sent Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to present a practical example for it!
Here’s how a daily routine according to Islam can help you become a better Muslim.
Fajar Prayer and Recitation of the Quran;
A Muslim must begin his day by getting up early in the morning. Around 4-5 A.M. Freshen up, take a bath, put on some neat and clean clothes and offer “Fajar” prayer. After offering the namaz, one must recite the Holy Quran. Even reciting a page or 4-5 lines is enough.
Exercising and Breakfast;
After offering prayer, exercising is a must. Whether you exercise lightly or workout intensely, you have the flexibility to choose. After a workout, a healthy breakfast is necessary; it’s the most important meal of the day. But remember, don’t overeat. Always eat your meals in smaller quantities.
Going to Work;
After breakfast, one should head off to work. Most offices start at 9 A.M. and you can easily reach on time when you’ve woken up since 5 A.M. Then work, till the break/lunchtime arrives.
Lunch and Duhr;
After working for 3-4 hours in the office, Lunch break starts at usually 1 P.M. Eating fruits and vegetables is usually advised at this time. As it keeps your digestive system working properly and helps you stay active and energetic. After lunch, a Muslim should perform Wudhu and offer ‘Duhr’ prayer.
Getting back to Work;
After offering Duhr, it’s time to get back at work again and work till your timing ends. If required, you can work overtime but don’t always say yes to it. Do overtime only if you have time and energy available for it. Usually, at closing time, it’s time for Asr prayer. Therefore, before or after leaving office, first, offer Asr Prayer.
Spend time with your friends/colleagues/relatives.
After reaching home, it’s almost time for Maghrib prayers. After offering Maghrib Prayers, one must eat its dinner. It’s the ideal time for dinner. If you are hosting for your friends/family/relives, have dinner together. As it is advised in Islam to remain socially active.
Isha Prayer and Spending Time with Family.
Usually, Islamic routine ends after Isha. Once you’ve had dinner, go for Isha prayer. After returning, spend some family time. Interact with your wife, parents, children and brothers/sisters.
Going to bed;
9-10 P.M. is the perfect time to go to bed. You can stay late till night if necessary.
Whether you are on umrah/hajj through the cheapest hajj packages 2020, a Muslim must spend his daily life in accordance with the Islamic routine. Moreover, on weekends the best investment of time is in catching up with your friends, family, relatives; doing charity work and going for recreation/amusement.
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