Going under the shade and its penalty from men during Ihram

Posted by Ady Grewal
May 13, 2019
Pilgrims in the state of Ihram are not allowed to go under the shade even they could not use an umbrella over their heads. That’s why with roofed vehicles such as an airplane, car, and bus or like them pilgrims could not make their journey when they are wearing the Ihram. However, this condition is not applied to women or children. If men pilgrims commit such action then they have to pay Kaffarah.  

Men pilgrims are permissible to go into the camp or under the roof of their dwellings in the middle of the way or in Makkah, Arafat or Mena. For men, pilgrims Registered Hajj and Umrah Travel Agents in the London UK give thorough information about how they have to proceed with the pilgrimage. During the Ihram men, pilgrims are permitted to pass roofed market and tunnels which are specified for pedestrians on the ways of above-mentioned places.

Men pilgrims are allowed to pass under the bridges in the middle of the way where they can also stay in the shades of the unroofed vehicle. However, there is no difference regarding conditions between pedestrians and ridings.

If a shade does not fulfill the meaning of shading, for example during the heavy clouds, or shade could not prevent the sunrays or rain, so in such a situation, there is no atonement or Kaffarah. Moreover, men pilgrims during the Ihram can also use the roofed vehicle during the night. But on rainy nights men pilgrims could not use the shade whatever roofed vehicle or like them. 

But if men pilgrims go deliberately or because of necessity towards under the shade, then they must have to pay the Kaffarah or penalty of one sheep. For those pilgrims who go through 5 Star Umrah Packages 2020 from London and wear the Ihram from Tan’eem, so there is no Kaffarah to go under the shade in Tan’eem because this is the part of Makkah.  It is permissible to use the shade for men pilgrims who have severe sunlight problems in fever, however, they must pay the Kaffarah (penalty). If the men pilgrims go under the shade in ignorance or forgetfulness, so no Kaffarah or penalty is on them.

Consequently, men pilgrims can use the shade from the places which are considered the parts of Makkah to Masjid Al-Haram and they are not allowed to go under the shades which are not the parts of Makkah to Masjid Al-Haram. Thus, if men pilgrims violate the shading rule during the ihram deliberately, then they must pay the Kaffarah. However, if men pilgrims violate shading rule during the state of Ihram in ignorance or deliberately, then there is no Kaffarah or penalty of any kind. 

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