Gluten Intolerance Test helps you Plan your Diet and Treatment

Posted by Immu Food
Apr 6, 2019
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It provides wheat its unique baking qualities and also the ability to absorb water, stick together and remain viscous and elastic. Gluten is also found in baked foods like breads, pastas, seasonings and spices. However, not everyone is able to digest gluten properly and hence start experiencing symptoms like bloating and stomach pain soon after consuming wheat or wheat based products. Such people might be suffering from celiac disease or some might even be suffering from gluten intolerance or wheat allergy. It is important for the people to immediately receive medical advice, while suspecting gluten intolerance, celiac disease or wheat allergy. Though, all these conditions lead to similar symptoms but the symptoms caused due to celiac disease and wheat allergy are much more dangerous and life-threatening compared to gluten intolerance.

Gluten intolerance is a wheat-related disorder that causes symptoms like belly pain, and bloating after consuming food containing gluten. If a person has gluten intolerance, then this protein can cause digestive problems like gas, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Sometimes gluten intolerance is confused with celiac disease. Avoiding particular foods is a treatment for all, these are not the same conditions.  Currently it has been noticed that based on little or no evidence, people are switching to gluten free diets either to lose weight, boost energy, treat autism or just to feel healthier. However, this should be strictly avoided because avoiding gluten without consulting with doctors is not at all beneficial. It is a vital protein essential for the body and eliminating it from the diet without any solid reason will lead to other health problems.

Gluten has been linked to more than 55 diseases and it is estimated that around 99% of the people have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. Around 15% of the population in the U.S is estimated to have gluten intolerance. Unlike celiac disease, gluten intolerance doesn't damage the intestine but it does show real symptoms and people experienced side-effects when they eat gluten. Therefore, rather than living in doubt whether you have gluten intolerance or not, you should consult a doctor and opt for gluten intolerance test, which will determine all the food items that you need to eliminate from your diet. You can always take a gluten intolerance test to determine your reaction to gluten that might be null, mild or severe. This test will help you avoid food items from your diet that might be the reason behind your food intolerance.
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