General Work Permit: Important Facts To Tickle Your Brain

Posted by Leigh G. Dover
May 23, 2024
Expatriates from various countries are always on the lookout for employment opportunities across the globe. One such destination is Ireland where highly skilled professionals look for employment opportunities. For this, they have to be eligible for the Critical Skills Employment Permit. This is a coveted employment permit that allows establishing permanent residence in Ireland once two years of employment is completed. Those who are unable to meet the criteria can opt for a General Work Permit.

What is a General Work Permit?
Individuals who are searching for a coveted employment opportunity in Ireland can choose a General Work Permit as a viable option. It is a flexible pathway to get employed in Ireland in a wide array of occupations based on their skills. The Irish government offers this permit to select candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria. 

Eligibility Criteria of General Work Permit:-
Being part of the Irish workforce and looking to fetch long-term residency in Ireland is made easy with a General Work Permit. However, a foreign worker needs to fulfil certain eligibility criteria. Let us have a look at some of them.

➥ Salary requirement
There are set standards of salary requirements provided by the General Work Permit. 
[1] Those who apply for a standard General Work Permit must get a salary of €30,000.

[2] The salary requirement is €27,000 for those who have recently graduated from a third-level institution in Ireland and they have also been offered a role as part of the Critical Skill Occupations List. 

[3] Those who have graduated from an overseas third-level institution and have also been offered the role of ICT professional on the Critical Skill Occupations List have a salary requirement of €27,000. 

[4] The salary requirement is €27,000 for those positions which require a non-EAE language and it is supported by Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland. Moreover, the job role must fall under the category of sales, customer service, technical language specialist, specialist online digital marketing/sales, and sales support roles. 

It must also be noted that all the salary figures that are mentioned include the base salary along with the insurance payments. Moreover, all of it is based on 39 hour work week which is the set standard. 

➥ Duration of permit
Those who apply for General Work Permit, get them for a period of six months to two years. Individuals who apply for renewals, get it for a period ranging from another six months to three years. 

➥ Long-term residency
Individuals who have worked for five years in Ireland on a General Employment Permit are eligible to secure Stamp 4 permission. This gives them the much-needed right to stay in Ireland. A General Work Permit offers a flexible pathway to fetch long-term residency in Ireland. 

➥ Reunification with family
Those who are looking for family reunification must complete a year of employment in Ireland. However, in the General Work Permit, the family members are not permitted to work in the country. Stamp 3 permission is provided to them which allows them to stay in Ireland. Moreover, they must secure an employment permit if they want to work in Ireland. 

Requirement for Labour Market Needs Test:-
One must have gotten through the labour market needs test in the majority of cases to get a General Work Permit. One can apply if the position has no suitable EU or Irish candidates. However, certain exemptions also apply. 

[1] This job is part of the Critical Skills Occupation List. 

[2] The offered annual salary must be more than €64,000.

[3] Enterprise Ireland or IDA Ireland supports this role and either of these authorities provides a letter of support. 

[4] Those who are part of the Ineligible Occupation List are not granted with General Employment Permit. 

Wrapping up: Contact us at Career Ireland today
Are you someone who has failed to navigate through the Critical Skills Employment Permit? There is nothing to worry about at all. Contact us to get a General Work Permit. We provide an excellent opportunity for foreign workers to fetch coveted employment in Ireland.

Feel free to catch up with us at Career Ireland as we help to get the critical skill visa. This visa helps skilled professionals get the best employment opportunities in Ireland and also a chance to be a permanent resident. Want to know more? Book an appointment with our professionals whenever you see fit. 

Author’s Bio:
The author is a blog writer and has a special interest in international affairs. His blogs have captured the imagination of many readers across the globe. His niche of writing includes enough subject matters that help immigrants make informed decisions. He keeps himself updated about all the latest developments in this domain and the blogs come as a massive boon for expatriates who get a good grasp about news concerning work permits.
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