DIY Christmas Cookie Packaging

Posted by Eva Melor
Dec 24, 2019

Do you want your friends and family feels special this holiday season? Do you want to make the Christmas cookies boxes yourself? From gingerbread house to trees and from fairy lights to homemade snacks, Christmas screams happiness, love, and sharing. Since you put love in making everything so special, then why to buy those ready-made cookie packaging?

Homemade cookies are one of the quickest and tastiest gifts you can give to your neighbors, teachers, friends, and the list goes on. Whether you have a family tradition of making cookies every Christmas or you want to try all the new cookie concoctions, cookies gifts are reasonable and ideal for mass production.

 While everyone is happy to find a plate full of cookies on their doorstep around this time of the years, you need to take your effort a one step further by dressing them up with one of these must-follow tips for packaging Christmas cookies. Here we have put together a few Christmas cookie packaging ideas for you to try at home. To learn about them, stick to this article.

  1. Mini Bags

Mini Cookie Bags

Aren’t they cute? When it comes to gifting a single serving of cookies, nothing is better than these small goodie bags. Since Christmas is just around the corner, you must be looking for ideas of cookie packaging to pack and give away your cookies. If yes, then these mini cookie bags are perfect for gifting cookies in them. Not only cookies, but you can also pack sweets, candies, cupcakes, and even macarons in these bags. To make these bags, you’ll require a thick paper of different colors. It is recommended to choose colors according to the holiday season. You can watch video tutorials on how to make mini treat bags. Now for adorable gift tags, you can download and print different Christmas quotations to go on these bags.

  1. Cardboard Boxes with Ribbon

Cookie Packaging

If you thought that cardboard boxes could only look boring and dull, then think again. Standard cardboard boxes can look fun and attractive if you make them look so. You can also make even the simplest of boxes feel special and gift-worthy. So, if you are looking for an option where you can pack more than one cookie in packaging, then cookie boxes made from cardboard or paperboard material can be a perfect option to choose from. These boxes are sturdy and make sure that treats packed inside remain fresh and edible. When it comes to designing the packaging, you can add a big festive bow with a tag that says Merry Christmas. If you are having a Christmas party, you can use these boxes as a favor box to give treats to everyone.

  1. Decorated Pringles Tube

Cookie Packaging

Do you love eating pringles? Who doesn’t! If you like them, then the next time you pringles, save their tubes. Form now onwards, save these tubes and re-purpose them as cookie packaging for holiday cookies. Don’t worry! The logo of pringles will not be going to show up on the boxes. All you need to do is to get your hands on some attractive papers and ribbon camouflage the real packaging. Trust me! Doing so will not let anyone know if the cookies are packed in pringles tube. Who knows you will save on your next chips purchase with pringles coupons. For your next Christmas, you can keep these tubes throughout the year to re-purpose them.

  1. Christmas Cookie Jar

Cookie Packaging

Cookies in cookie jar sound like a match made in heaven. Don’t you think so? Probably one of the most preferred cookie packaging ideas is packing them in jars. A jumbo-sized mason jar will be the best choice for holding stacks of pretty cookies in the best possible way. If you want to choose little jars, you can totally select them for packing these tasty snacks in them. Moreover, if you are thinking of giving someone a Christmas gift, then you can give this jar full of cookies to them. To make the jar look more like a Christmas cookie packaging, you put a sticker label that says Happy Christmas and a pretty patterned lid. You can also add ribbons if you want to.

  1. Decorated Tin Foil Cookie Boxes

Cookie Packaging

If none of the above mentioned options was enough, then you need to try this DIY cookie boxes idea this holiday season. Whether you want to pack and gift cookies to your friends, family, or anyone these boxes make the perfect Christmas cookie packaging. So, to really give the packaging your desired look, you need to empty tin foil and wax paper boxes for holding a generous amount of cookies. Now, wrap every box in Christmas themed decorative paper of your choice and tie tight with a string.

Final Words

Christmas is just a few days away and everyone is thinking of ideas to packing cookies in the most presentable and attractive cookie packaging. It is the reason why we have shared our favorite DIY cookie boxes ideas with you. We hope that these ideas were helpful for you and now you can share your cookies with everyone in the boxes that you have put so much love in the making.

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