Digital eye strain can be difficult to deal with! Why not prevent it?

Posted by BluTech Lenses
May 5, 2021

Most of us cannot avoid using computers and phones on a daily, but there are several things that you can do if you wish to minimize the negative impact of blue light on your eye health and sleep cycle:

Keep your PC at a reasonable distance:

A widespread mistake we make when working on a computer is sitting too close to it. Ideally, we should always keep our computer screen at least 25 inches away from our eyes (or one arm distance). It would be helpful if you also positioned your screen to look at it slightly downward.

Take intervals

Please take regular breaks using the 20-20-20 rule. This rule suggests that every 20 minutes, you should shift your eyes and look at something that is 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds. This will help your eyes to relax.

Using artificial tear

If you feel like your eyes are itchy or dry, you can use artificial tears to refresh your eyes.

Use blue-ray protection lenses.

Using blue-ray protection glasses can help you block any blue light from entering your eyes. Blue light may not just cause damage to your eyes, but it may also disturb your sleep cycle. Ensure you wear these glasses after sunset when working on any digital device.

Don’t look at your phone before sleeping.

It would help if you always tried to avoid looking at your smartphones for at least a few hours before going to bed. Suppose you can also choose to set your phone on night mode if that is not possible.

These tips should help you reduce your digital eye strain and fix irregular sleep cycles. Nevertheless, if you feel like your head hurts after an extended working session, then it would be helpful if you got yourself a pair of migraine glasses.

They will ensure that you stay protected from any blue light to help avoid any future problems such as sleeplessness, digital eye strain, headache, etc.

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