Different Types of Malocclusions

Posted by Allwyn Dental
Apr 19, 2022
Malocclusion is a common problem faced by children during their formative years. A wide set of habits, such as thumb sucking and nail-biting, have a role to play in the development of malocclusion in children. There are different types of malocclusions (misalignments) that people might come across during their lifetime. Protruding teeth, overbites, etc. are all forms of malocclusion. Approach an orthodontist in Rockport if you want to get your misaligned teeth treated and fixed.

It will be interesting to note that malocclusion can have different types. To begin with, crossbites are a common form of malocclusion. Crossbites occur when your upper teeth tend to bite inside your lower teeth. This problem can occur on any side of the jaw.

Here are different types of dental misalignments that people tend to come across:


Overbites happen to be quite common in both children and adults. A person experiences an overbite when the upper front teeth tend to overlap the front teeth at the bottom. It is not unnatural for people to have overbites. However, a patient is likely to experience jaw pain, tooth decay and gum problems if the problem is left untreated over prolonged periods of time.


An underbite is the opposite of an overbite. This condition occurs when the lower front teeth extend beyond the upper front teeth. The problem is a result of the misalignment of the jaw. It needs to be noted that not all under-bites are the same. Children tend to suffer from under-bites because of childhood habits, such as thumb sucking. The thing about underbites is: they won’t just disappear on their own. You will have to get the underbites treated after getting in touch with an orthodontist in Rockport.

Open bite

Both the upper and the lower teeth tend to slant outwards if a person happens to be suffering from an open bite. There is always a gap between the upper and the lower sets of teeth whenever a person is suffering from an open bite. Even when the jaws are closed, the upper and the lower teeth do not meet (touch) each other. This condition occurs when the skeletal relationship between both the jaws is not intact/ideal.

Other common dental misalignments faced by people include diastema, spacing problems, overjet, etc. Approach a dentist in Rockport, TX if you are in need of a dental health checkup. It is of utmost importance to keep your oral health in check even if you are not suffering from dental misalignments.
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