Design Thinking can change the approach towards class room teaching

Posted by DebriN Synergy
Mar 11, 2020

 World Marketing Summit India & Kotler Excellence Awards 2020

Discussing the role of a teacher in the class room with fast changing times, Dr. Jitendra K. Das, Director at FORE School of Management, New Delhi said that not just the entire pedagogy, the content or traditional exam systems need to transform, the teaching methodology need to evolve and for that to happen it is imperative the thought process of teachers need to change.

Referring to the practice of traditional teaching process like using Power Point presentations Dr. Das said, “Students in today’s class room can always access the content from the net instantly through a Google Glass or any smart devices. So teachers must develop innovative methodologies where the role of the teacher is more of a facilitator and an enabler. Design Thinking can be effectively put to use as an approach towards class room teaching, collaboration. Teachers can create and adopt a structured framework based on design thinking for identifying challenges, gathering information, generating ideas and use it for problem solving.”

The World Marketing Summit India & Kotler Excellence Awards 2020 held on February 29, 2020 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. World Marketing Summit (WMS) was founded in 2010 by Prof. Philip Kotler, considered world’s leading Marketing Guru and father of modern marketing. WMS is a global alliance; a collaboration that unites the best minds from corporate world working in concert with public sector and community leaders to transform and translate marketing ideas and solutions for tackling real and focused socio-economic issues, and creating sustainable solutions through marketing-centric initiatives that are driven by social responsibility acting as their fulcrum to the citation of the award.

Dr. Jitendra Das, Director, FORE School of Management, was addressing  the session on "New Decade Marketing & Globalizing your Business" along with co- panelists of national & international fame: Laura Ries - President Ries & Ries (US); Marc Oliver Opresnik, Professor, Marketing, Lübeck University of Applied Sciences, Germany & Chief Research Officer, Kotler Impact Inc.; Indrajit Ghosh - Chairman, MSME-CII, Dr. Fahim Kibria - CMO, Kotler Impact Inc. and Sadia Kibria; Group CEO of Kotler Impact Inc. among others. Dr. Jitendra Das was among the ones honored at World Marketing Summit India & Kotler Excellence Awards 2020.

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