Dangers of duplicity that digital marketing companies of India navigate

Posted by Jit Patra99
Apr 19, 2024
Apart from the data security and other highly technocratic issues, the threat of duplicity is something which is jeopardising the hard works that a dedicated digital marketing company in India is putting in.  Basically, it is a manifestation of plagiarism in the digital world.

How does the fear of duplicity manifest itself in the Indian context?

The fear of using artificial intelligence for content creation persists. However, the most crucial factor is blatant imitation from other contents, and passing them as original ideas.

  • Duplicity in terms of uploading texts generated from artificial intelligence tools available in the Internet.
  • Duplicity in terms of sharing content that are based on creating deep fakes with the help of software tools.
  • Creating content based on a methodology followed by some other content creator, whose work is available in the Internet.
  • Reposting a content by editing out all possible marks of identification left by the original content creator as one’s own original content.

The mad rush to rise up high in the ranks of popularity, through easy income opportunities, coupled with the knowledge of the technological advancements is the major reason behind widespread content duplicity in India. Not only are such tactics unprofitable in the long run, they could also bring about strict legal penalties if actions are taken against such malpractices.

How are the digital marketing firms of India battling duplicity?

The same technology which is being misused by unethical content creators is also being used to tackle content duplicity by the digital marketing companies of India.  Artificial intelligence technology is continuously upgrading itself to battle this menace in all possible ways.

Natural Language Processing technology :- Despite having the capacity to produce sentence is devoid of any grammatical errors, artificial intelligence still cannot manage to mimic human generated language. Usage of words and expressions inconsistent with a certain idea being conveyed, along with erroneous translation can be detected by artificial intelligence as textual duplicity.

Deep fake detection software :- To the naked eye, the differences between a doctored image, and a real one seems inexistent. However artificial intelligence is making it possible to detect the natural contouring of the facial and other biological features of the human body in order to detect duplicity.

Voice analysis software :- Artificial intelligence generated voice is characterised by an uncanny uniformity, in terms of speech, soon, voice modulation. While respective human voices do have some distinct features, they are however subject to fluctuations based on the mood and the emotions the speaker wishes to convey. This incongruence between natural human voice and mechanised human voice can be detected by digital tools.

Wrapping up

With dedicated collaborative efforts to counter duplicity of content, each digital marketing company in India is taking proactive steps. By means of gathering more knowledge about The developments in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the digital marketing firms of the nation are providing some of the best services both in the domestic as well as in the international market.
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